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Contest Starts... Now!



I am Officially Opening the MoC contest! Round one shall begin today, in my blog. The people involved:


Iro: Spirit of Iron: Judge

Onua of the Swamp: Contestant

..::LN::.. : Contestant

Toa Valtika: Judge

Dexter_Toa: Judge


Now, the judges will do most of the work, But your Input will help their decisions! So please, Vote for your Favourite entry, (even though there's only 2 :P) There will be more later. In the september contest, .:Maxilos.Bolso:. Will be joining, and we could use more! And in round 2, Iro will be joining, so we will need another judge.


So, If you want to be part of september's contest, or want to be a judge for round 2, or Want to vote, Leave a Comment below.


Here are the entries:


Onua of the Swamp's entry

..::LN::..'s entry




Recommended Comments

I shall give the Pros & Cons of each.




  1. Good color scheme
  2. Custom-ness
  3. Weapons= : )
  4. Use of Ehlek heads
  5. Da feet
  1. Small hands
  2. Back view shows skinniness
  3. Over armored on thighs, the pieces on the sides



  1. Good mask
  2. Weapons
  3. Da Cape
  4. Color Scheme = : )


  1. Not many pics, hard to judge
  2. Super Skinny
  3. Not much armor.
For this round, I vote for:


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Ok heres my review on them! The max. points you can recieve is 80/80! Here it goes...



color scheme: 7.5/10 -You kept it simple!

customness: 8/10 -I can see quite a few custom things!

use of pieces: 8/10 -The piraka skull feet are very interesting but does not seem to fit his size!

weapons: 7/10 - It reminds me of Solek a lot!

size: 7.5/10 - He seems a pretty good size but looks on a little bit on the skinny side!

armor: 7.5/10 -Could use a little more armor, his arms have armor on the back of them!

mask & body: 8.5/10 -Mask is fine other than with his weapons it reminds me of Solek, Body is built well but still a tad bit skinny!

legs & arms: 7.5/10 upper legs and arms look really custom!


Overall: 61.5/80 Its a really nice Moc with some custom in it! The cape looks okay... Just it looks rolled up at the end! But other than anything I mentioned it looks nice! P.S. Try more pics next time and I cant really see the backside because of the cape!




color scheme: 7.5/10 -I like the colors!

customness: 9/10 -Nice custom body! Really cool how you built it!

use of pieces: 8/10 -Use of Ehleks head is cool, even though theres a little yellow on it! I like how you used the gears as well!

weapons: 7.5/10 -They both are kinda cool! The one doesnt fit him really! (Nokamas weapons) But I like how you used it!

size: 8/10 -I like his size, its really good!

armor: 8/10- He is very well armored, just on his thighs there seems to be a lot of armor!

mask & body: 8.5/10 -I like the Hau, and that its on a metru head! The body is really good too!(very custom)

legs & arms: 7.5/10 -I like how they are really custom and built with different kinds of pieces! The feet look rather large and long! And the arms look like they fall off easily! But they look cool!


Overall: 64/80 It is a very different type of Moc for its colors, size, and how you built it, its unique! You can deffinitely tell he is a warrior! This is a really good Moc!


Ok well as you can see LN has won this very close review by 3.5 points! These were both really good Mocs and had their strengths and weaknesses! Hope to see more great ones like these!

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Thanks for reviewing dex. Now, we need Iro. And, if other readers would post their thoughts here too, that would be great!



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That's right! I forgot you were a judge. But next month. Birthday sounds good! Oh, BTW: Welcome to my blog!



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Ok, in light of recent events, I got REALLY distracted, so I'll do a Pro/Con review:




Good color choices

Good mask




Colors not distributed evenly

Small hands


Overall, the pros outweigh the cons.




Color scheme





Skinny without the cape

Legs not in proportion to the body


Yeah, uh it comes to a tie, but the MOC I decided to pick is:


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LN's Xigan!


Congrats. :)

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