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Fan Fleet!

Schizo Kaita


I just noticed Lady K has herself a fan club content block, so I deserve one too! :P


You can find the Fan Fleet block on the leeboard side o' the Quarters, beneath the Links from the Deep, which is right under Teddy o' the Bear Crew. (Bottom left o' the page, landlubber!)


If you're a fan of my MOCs, art or fan fiction, or just of my fantastic self, reply here to have your name added to the Fleet Followers.


And yes, this is all purely to appease my own ego. B) (Nah, just trying to get to know some of you better, is all - just don't tell my ego, okay?)


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... Only so long as we do some honest piratin', Cap'n.

Doesn't that contradict itself? :P

It would, but us pirates interpret 'honest' as 'real' only. As in: "Tha' were some hones'ly fine lasses back there, Cap'n!" :pirate:

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Um Captain Schizo Kaita, may I join your Fan Fleet? I willing to join. I don't know much about being a Pirate, but I can learn at lease I think I can. I do like your art from what I saw you are very good at it. ~J.M.J.~

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Here's one more fleet follower, Cap'n.


After seeing that BBC37 Samurai of yours, I've been forced to admire your MOCing style. Your fantastic personality deserves some respect too :pirate:.

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So no Ninja-Pirates on board because of the large amount of awesomeness? (Not including Schizo Kaita, Skull Kitten, or Schizo Kaita's Under-Inflated Ego)

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So no Ninja-Pirates on board because of the large amount of awesomeness? (Not including Schizo Kaita, Skull Kitten, or Schizo Kaita's Under-Inflated Ego)

Ninja Pirates are allowed because they haven been trained in nautical ninjitsu and know their way around a ship, whereas pirate ninja are just ninja who've taken up pirating, and are not nearly as adequate.

My Ego is under-inflated? Bring me the pump!

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To tell you the truth, I was posting something like the third or fourth comment to this entry, but then it got stuck in the server and I was too lazy to re-type it so that I could join. :P


But I might as well... it's the least I can do, now that I can't monitor Comedies to any extent. XD

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Uh, not that it matters a whole lot, but the link to my blog leads to that of Toa Pilak Evolved. oO

Yeah, I dropped an 8 somewhere... Let's hope it didn't fall through a plothole, them things be deep...

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Arr, 'tis be Link:Hero of time! I be posting here to be telling Capt'n Schizo that I have a new name! I no longer be Link:Hero of Time, but Slota! Arrrr!



And Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

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Can I join, cap'n? Or is there something against Whales in the crew? :P



Well, if you don't mind Scurvy McSmeag poking you with a harpoon from time to time, we could use a whale when there's no wind. Whether in flight mode or sailing mode, the Scourge still needs wind for propulsion, so a whale would come in handy when caught in such a situation.

Plus you're handy for damaging enemy or merchant ships, which makes for easy plunderin'. :pirate:

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Hey. Hey you. I see your ego is attempting to go beyond the size allowed. Namely, larger than mine.


This cannot be tolerated. I think I must declare war.


However, I'll do it later. Because talking to a being so below my status leaves me needing a recharge in awesomeness before I'm drained.


So maybe tomorrow I shall declare war.



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