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Weekly Update - 8/15

Black Six



Hey, it's actually Friday this time and we're back for a real update this week. Woohoo!



I suppose the biggest item of the moment is that we have finally gotten up our first summer 2008 set review, the vehicle Jetrax T6. Hopefully we'll see some more reviews this weekend, if possible.


Of course there's also our S&T Contest #4, which you can vote on right now!


And speaking of contests, our BBC Contest #50 is well on its way, which means Brickfair is fast approaching (exactly two weeks, in fact). A bunch of BZPower Staff and other members will be there, so if you're in the area or are able to attend go for it and track us down. It's going to be a blast!


Next up: rank images. No we haven't forgotten about them yet, they're just taking a lot more time than we initially thought. That probably has something to do with the fact that there's going to be at least eighty new ranks. Yes, you read that right. I'd give you a more exact count but the list is so long I don't feel like counting and double checking that I counted correctly right now. So yes, be patient, we're getting there.



1. What's your screen name?


2. What's a homonym for "blue"?


3. What's the opposite of "down"?


Ha ha! Gotcha! :P

1. Black Six

2. bleu

3. atop

Was that supposed to be funny? :P


1) Cats or dogs?


2) Lemonade or Coke?


3) Pepsi or Coke?


4) Dark chocolate or white chocolate?


5) Comical or serious?

1. Cats

2. Lemonade

3. See 2

4. Dark chocolate

5. Why so serious?


1) Can I call you BS?

2) Did you know thanks to recent anomalies, the meaning of life has been changed to 43?

3)How did you become an administrator when you are thirteen?

4)What is your favorite fruit?

5)What is your favorite vegetable?

6)Who is your favorite Bionicle?

7)Is running BZP your whole job, or do you have another?

8)Is BZP ypur homepage?

1. I think B6 is more commonly used.

2. Impossible!

3. I didn't, I was made a moderator on August 6, 2001, the day after my fourteenth birthday. I was made a Forum Admin in November 2005 when I was 18 and an Administrator August 2007 when I was 20.

4. Bartlett Pears

5. Carrots

6. Tahu

7. I volunteer to run BZP in my spare time, I don't get paid. In the real world I'm a college student currently interning with the US Army.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And that wraps it up for this week. Hope you found it enjoyable and informative. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or feedback you might have.


Recommended Comments

Oh, you're in the service! That's very interesting... Now if you'll excuse me I have a PM to send. Eighty new ranks, that's mind boggling.



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Oh, you're in the service! That's very interesting... Now if you'll excuse me I have a PM to send. Eighty new ranks, that's mind boggling.



Actually I'm a civilian, so I'm not technically 'in the service,' I'm just a government employee working for the Army.

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So you're like my cousin, who just works with the army? Cool. What do you do for them?

I'm a software developer.


Ooops about number 3. But you never answered number 8. :blink:

Ooops, missed that one. I have my browser set up to save the tabs from my previous session and reload them when I start my browser. At least one of those is usually a BZP page, so I guess you could say it's my homepage.

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80 ranks... Will there be also other ranks after the highest (Mask of Time discovered), just new middle ones or the oldest will be deleted and replaced with these new ones?

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