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Ze Polls! Ze Polls!



As I've realised that I've never stated any prizes besides the 6 month PMship thing for first place, I've decided to elaborate on them before I put up the polls (don't worry, the polls are gonna be right after the prizes). Anywho:

For first place: 6 month Primier Membership, a blog award stating you came in first, and a banner saying the exact same thing.

For second place: A blog award (or an avatar if you have no blog) sayong you came in second and a banner saying the same thing.

For third: A blog award (or av) saying you came in third and a banner saying the same thing.

And that's it as prizes.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Polls:

Poll 1






Poll 2

4 DQ'd for Breaking a Voting Rule (See the very last rule for details)





If you haven't noticed, I've removed all the words and symbols from the pics. And I've resized them. So this is how this voting is gonna work:

First, anyone can vote in this poll, but there will be different rules for different people. The rules:

-Entrants cannot vote for their own entry
-Entrants must vote for two entries in each polls
-Non entrants must only vote for one entry in each poll
-Entrants votes will be worth more than non entrant votes. They will be worth 75% to the non entrants 25%
-You must state the number of the entry you're voting for
-Entrants (if they have a blog) will be DQ'd if they make a "Vote for me" entry in their blog. They can link to the poll all they want to, but if they tell others to vote for them, it'll be a insta-DQ.

So vote away.



Recommended Comments

Poll 1:

1 and 6


Poll 2:

8 and 9


1 is yummy. Teal FTW.

6 has a blurry photo. From resizing? Ah well, I still know how good that MOC is.


Yeah, the photo is a bit blurry. It might be because of the resizing


8 is good. I didn't want to vote for it, but it's a good MOC.

9 is amazing. :wub:


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Poll 1


3 & 6


3 looks awesome, and 6 is just plain cool.



Poll 2


8 & 7



8 is just amazing, and 7 is creative. The net-thingy was a good idea.



Good luck, everyone.



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3 & 7


And, we can just look at the content block to see who made it <_<


Not that I did, but you might want to remove that.


Woops. Forgot to remove it. Done.

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How is Semifinal going to work? How many entries are advancing?


Poll One

One - Six


Poll Two

Seven - Eight



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Two entries from each poll will advance straight to the finals.

And this poll closes a week from today.

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Poll 1: #6

Poll 2: #8


Poll 1 was a pretty easy choice for me. 6 just stood out the most.

Poll 2 was a bit more difficult. It came down to either 4, 7, or 8. 4 Had a nice build, but I just can't stand that shade of gold. 7 has some great ideas in it, but the build of the body just doesn't work right. I do have some problems with the lower arms/hands on 8,but it has the best color flow and overall feel.

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Wait, we choose 2 from each poll? Whoops . . . scratch my old vote. Since people ahead of me just put two, I figured they were voting for both polls.


Poll one: 3 & 1


Poll Two: 7 & 8


Unless I can't do this . . . <_<

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Poll 1: We must vote for at least two in both polls? If so, 1 and 5, if not, none.


Poll 2: 8 and 9


Number six has a blurry photo, I assume from the digital editing you did to the picture... It may not be fair to the MoCist, but it matters only slight.

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