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Only One More Day!



As I have recieved plenty of votes, and the preliminary voting has been closed, I have decided to post the final poll.

The Poll:





-You must state the number of the entry you're voting for
-Entrants (if they have a blog) will be DQ'd if they make a "Vote for me" entry in their blog. They can link to the poll all they want to, but if they tell others to vote for them, it'll be a insta-DQ. I guess I wasn't nearly specific enough in the "don't tell others to vote for you" part right above this, so DO NOT TELL OTHERS TO VOTE FOR YOU. If you tell others to vote for you (in any way, shape, or form), and I find out, you shall be DQ'd. And that is final.



Recommended Comments

Why isn't Yarrohk here? He was Number 3 in the polls, and had gotten a lot of votes. So why isn't he here, and the mecha Number 3 instead?


So that's who I vote for: #3. Hopefully you can edit it so that it's Yarrohk, who it's supposed to be. :angry:



Because the mecha had more entrant votes than your entry. Entrant votes were worth about 3 nonentrant votes, thus giving it enough votes to beat out Yarrohk.


Oh, never mind. But I still vote for Number 3.



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Do we get to know who created each one at the end?


Does it matter? And you'll learn who the top three spots are when I post the winners. Which reminds me...


I dunno . . . I just have some theories on who has made what. Although, I still haven't figured out who made the one I voted for. Seriously.


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