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The Thing I Fear Most In This World





They're just that scary, man. *shudder*


Heck, I'm not even gonna post an example because they're just that scarring- but to the point, cosplayers are solid proof that the world is gonna glaze over in flames if reality and anime crossed over.


Please tell me I'm not the only one out there who thinks this }X


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It's funny, when you think about people being so devoted to a storyline or franchise that they'll dress like their favourite character from it. And if you think cosplays are bad, you've apparently never heard of StarTrek fan conventions; there are hundreds of people there dressed like Klingons, Borg, and Lord knows what else. And that's even scarier, because dorks now are actually trying to recreate the technology from StarTrek. People are already walking around with tricorders and computers of their own, not to mention all the Data-like androids people are making now. It's only a matter of time until the Trekkies take over the world, and that doesn't seem to be a very long time.


Perhaps there will be a war between all the StarTrek and Anime fans when they attempt global domination? That would be a rather chaotic battle...







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And we have that Anime Convention here in Chicago every year.


I never go because I don't like conventions and all the people, not too interested in anime...

And those Cosplayers.


I'm pretty sure I'd scar myself for life if I went.


Oh and Ngakunui, we do have Star Trek technology already!


The doors that go *ssht* and open automatically! =D


[-The Alchemyst-]

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Somehow this entry brought Star Trek and Anime together.


Anime Star Trek.


This is genius.

I think that might be real.


Yeah, cosplayers scare me. Then again, so do LARPers.

The only reason I would ever LARP is to beat people up with swords.



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erm.... O_O whats a cosplayer?


A fanboy, or fangirl that dresses as a character from some franchise, or what have you- usually anime, though not as a rule. The later of mentioned category of dorks is generally more obsessed, often fantasizing things far more often, and deeply- though not always. To reiterate, the word "Glomp"(to lunge at/ tackle/ hug someone in an extremely hyper manner) originates from "Cosplayers'" method of greeting one another.






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Cosplay is only bad when the person doing it fails epically at it. Such as Man-faye or Sailor Bubba.



You just took the words out of my mouth.


Not to sound like a fanboy or anything, but Japanese cosplayers>>>>>American cosplayers.


I mean, American cosplayers (NOT ALL OF THEM, some of them) tend to procrastinate and finish their costumes in under a week.


I go to anime cons when I can, and I'd wear something Anime-related (Like maybe in something normal, like a school uniform or a headband or something), but I won't go extreme (like, wearing *bleep*loads of armored stuff.)


But I will never LARP. You will never see me dead in the vicinity of a LARP session...unless someone drags my corpse over there while people are LARPing. But, come on, who would go through all the trouble of dragging me over there?

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