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Arpy's Driving Tips #23



Coming to a full and complete stop is impossible given the rotation of the earth, its orbit around the sun, and our constantly expanding universe, so don't sweat it.


Also: The Amsterlegs i240 RacerMech! Deeplink range 01-010. Frame is Legohaulic's, cover is mine. Based off the Dutch national team's colors, which I always thought were a good combo.



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But can't you go reverse-rotation-of-the-earth MPH? Also space crafts can come to a complete stop. =D


Also I have Driver's Ed first marking period. =D To bad I'm still only 14. <<

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But can't you go reverse-rotation-of-the-earth MPH? Also space crafts can come to a complete stop. =D


Also I have Driver's Ed first marking period. =D To bad I'm still only 14. <<


Same here.


I take it this Sophmore year, yet I'm fourteen.




[-The Alchemyst-]

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But can't you go reverse-rotation-of-the-earth MPH? Also space crafts can come to a complete stop. =D


Also I have Driver's Ed first marking period. =D To bad I'm still only 14. <<

So... if I were to travel 300 miles per second the opposite direction...


Well, I wouldn't be going very fast.



The universe is still expanding, boys.

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I wanna make me one of those mechs... but I don't have much system... certainly not enough... =/



You do know how you can change this fact, right?



Anyway, cool racing mech, Arpy. The colors turned out well, and I like the feet.

(Is that keetorange?)



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Coming to a full and complete stop is impossible given the rotation of the earth, its orbit around the sun, and our constantly expanding universe, so don't sweat it.


I keep telling that to my parents but they keep telling me to shut up and drive. :(


Only kidding, of course. :P


Sweet Mech Arpeh. :D

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Feasibly, for one instant in the far future, if you timed it EXACTLY right, you could counteract the motion of the Earth, sun, and Milky way it the precise time the universe stops expanding and begins contracting.


EDIT:ignore that, I just remembered that modern physicists theorize dark energy is overtaking dark matter at an increasing rate. Big Rip FTW!

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But can't you go reverse-rotation-of-the-earth MPH? Also space crafts can come to a complete stop. =D


Also I have Driver's Ed first marking period. =D To bad I'm still only 14. <<

So... if I were to travel 300 miles per second the opposite direction...


Well, I wouldn't be going very fast.



The universe is still expanding, boys.



Suckish GIF

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Have you people heard about the machine-thing that can recreate the exact conditions the instant after the Big Bang?


Not sure if I'm allowed to talk about it.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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Why should we not be allowed to discuss SCIENCE?


unless of course it discovered evidence of the great green arkleseizure or something

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I seem to remember seeing something about not being allowed to discuss major political issues on BZP. Guess not. Don't kill me, Tufi.


Anyways, some scientists in Europe created this machine-thing that can simulate the exact conditions scientists think occured a split second after the Big Bang. Unfortunately, a side-effect is that it may open up small black holes, which will expand, and eventually tear the earth apart. It's scheduled to be activated on September 10th (yes, 2008), but we won't all be asploded for a few years. The black holes need time to grow before they can eat us :fear: .


That's what it is


- :l: :flagcanada:

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How is that a major political issue? Black holes eating the earth sounds more science-fictiony than political; it's certainly not a hot-button-issue.
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I seem to remember seeing something about not being allowed to discuss major political issues on BZP. Guess not. Don't kill me, Tufi.


Anyways, some scientists in Europe created this machine-thing that can simulate the exact conditions scientists think occured a split second after the Big Bang. Unfortunately, a side-effect is that it may open up small black holes, which will expand, and eventually tear the earth apart. It's scheduled to be activated on September 10th (yes, 2008), but we won't all be asploded for a few years. The black holes need time to grow before they can eat us :fear: .


That's what it is


- :l: :flagcanada:

Blown out of proportion. Seriously, it's something like a quadrifraptillion to one chance of it doing that.

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