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How To Be The Best Builder

Tufi Piyufi


So I've been modding BBC for almost five whole years, right? You see a lot of things in that time. I'd like to think I've learned a lot just by proximity. And there's this one thing that, I dunno how long it's been sitting there in my mind, kinda seems like it shouldn't take five years to hit everyone else. So, I shall share it. Brace yourselves.


When you're building, think for your own selves.


Winding yourselves in 'rules' and 'guidelines' is a horrid way to go through the creative process! Before long, you start worrying about those little details, rather than if your MOC is actually interesting. You treat the 'guidelines' as the only things that matter, forgetting that examining how real-world people, creatures, and things will do you far more good than someone telling you 'these colours should never be used together' ever will. You get so caught up in these meaningless little things, you start measuring yourself by how well you follow those 'rules' and you get more and more fixated on them and you think you're better and better for it and you wonder why those 'tasteless kids' here at BZP never post in your topics don't they know that you're one of if not the best builder around and and and...


Well, is it any wonder, when you're so caught up in the inane and in yourself?


I can't stress this enough. The BZP populace is way smarter than it's given credit for. People who go on about how they never get posts in their MOC or art topics? They rarely, if ever, stop to consider 'is this actually that interesting?'. Let's just ignore the attitudes towards the general populace that seem to accompany these guestions for now: those are for another day. It doesn't matter how 'technically perfect' your guy-with-weapon is. It's a guy with a weapon. It's been done thousands of times before. Is he really that different, that interesting? Chances are high that 'no, no he is not.' I rarely ever see 'make it interesting' or 'make it fresh' in these lists of 'tips'. It's a bit unnerving to me.


Never mind the entitlement complex inherent in 'oh, nobody ever posts in my topics, even though my works are so good'. The posting population of BZP doesn't owe you anything for posting a picture of some pieces or some pixels. They're really not that interested in how good you say and think you are. They really, really aren't. They want something they can actually say something about. That 'horrid' piece done in Paint that's getting way more posts than you? Might have something to do with its artist taking a chance and trying to draw a Toa in a rough-and-tumble action scene. They probably aren't thinking about 'how great' they are when they make things like that: they're just drawing a picture of one of the heroes being awesome and doing their thing.


And, oh, the horrid fascination around buzzwords we seem to have. Every time I see 'needs more custom ahahaha look at this joke and how funny and not-tired it is', I get this inescapable urge to shoot something. Okay, it's actually rather escapable, by reminding myself not to let its mindlessness get to me. This whole 'custom' 'debate'? You all look horribly silly. Knock it off. Same goes for other words people like to bandy around to try and look like they 'know things, man.' Fusion is one of them. Knock it off. Lego is Lego is Lego. Start thinking that way and you'll find things get a lot easier than when you tried to make it bigger than it should be. All those other words and phrases that escape me at the moment? Knock it off.


Yes, you absolutely should read and accept the comments and critiques you get. I'm not telliing you to ignore those. I figured I should mention that, because people have a habit of taking something I say and claiming I said the exact opposite (still not sure why people think I'm 'anti-breast', but hey). I just want you to cut yourselves out of the unimportant things, is all.


Recommended Comments

Do you ever have anything to say that isn't completely and eminently reasonable, yet something that no one else is reasonable enough to notice? Well, maybe you do once or twice, but the proportion of reasonable and intelligent things that you say that need to be said is lightyears ahead of most everyone I can think of.


It's a little eerie, actually.

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This is all very good and true, but guidelines and tips for better builders never hurt. :)

Not rules, mind you...

But yeah I totally agree. icon12.gif

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Tufi wins.




Yeah. I just build 'til I'm comfortable with what I built - or just don't feel like working on something any longer. Or a due date arises. Etcetera.


Tips get you so far; messing around for yourself will get you farther.



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This = Truthiness.


I never build for the crowd. I build because, in the immortal words of Rep. Wexler, "it's a fun thing to do".


edited because the truthiness made me forget to code my special color

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Without rules, there is chaos. Is this what you want, Tuffin?
What do you think the C in MOC really stands for: My Own Chaos.


Starting with guidelines actually applies to writing comedies too: If you start with the goal just to write at least 300 words or only what someone else will enjoy, it hinders creativity. Granted, these are things to consider but not focus on.


Hmm, needs more ranting.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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Yay for randomly thinking of something and actually making it... randomly!


I pretty much go about MoCing when it falls under characters and such, so I don't make up random new things that have never been seen before, knowing me if I ever posted a MoC I could seriously care less of comments and such. Although I always welcome Constructive Criticism ^^


I only know things form the creative side here on BZP through Short Stories, and some epics, and if things work the same way there would be said "List of Tips" that turn into rules for someone. Of course Tips are just things that can help out of you're struggling somewhere and you need a tip to get out of it. That's the only time I go for tips- when I think I need them to improve.


Of course the Tips in the writing forums help much more than the Tips in BBC, although some are pretty good and do help with the creative process ^^


- I MoC for fun which is why I don't post any of them on the site because, I don't care so much what people think about it exactly, I only care if I'm proud of my own work, I have been tempted to post one on BZP, but I haven't cuz I'd of course get a single post either saying.


"This isn't good." or




Of course I've never gotten those two word for word, but still.


- Creativity, that's the harder part in a MoC IMO as coming up with a really unique way to use pieces always presents as a hard thing for me, but then again that's only me for the most part =P


People think you're an "Anti-breast" because of that one thing going about the Nuva armor, and making things unreasonably unproportional (I probably misspelled that... I'm kinda tired...)


Of course I don't because it was completely reasonable to say something about it. But that's for the most part why...


Just some of my own thoughts on the matter knowing the creative forums and having MoCed a bit in the past.


It came out much longer than I expected o.O

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Lego is Lego is Lego.

I expect to see this reflected in the system/technic ratio in the next BBC contest, then.


Until then...





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I'm actually surprised that this needed to be said. I always took it for granted that I build what I feel like building, the way I feel like building it.



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Lego is Lego is Lego.

I expect to see this reflected in the system/technic ratio in the next BBC contest, then.


Until then...





Ambassador of Insubordinate Love

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r just don't feel like working on something any longer. Or a due date arises. Etcetera.


Tips get you so far; messing around for yourself will get you farther.




THAT'S the best post in here.


Darth's was the second best.


Some of the buzzwords and "rules" are complete poo.

But others are pretty important at times.


If someone takes Bitil, slaps airplane wings to them and has them holding different swords, yes, Needs More Custom.

Mocs that fall under needs more custom are like an artist buying a pad and a few tubes of paint, then running one streak across it.


Sometimes the simplicity could be taken as some revolutionary return to basics... but not this many people doing it this many times over (and then complaining there wasn't enough recognition for it).


I agree though, nature is a better teacher than other mocers. A copy of National Geographic or an illustrated wildlife encyclopedia will get you pretty far.


Nothing goes better hand in hand with this than just messing all the heck with parts scattered all over your bed.

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r just don't feel like working on something any longer. Or a due date arises. Etcetera.


Tips get you so far; messing around for yourself will get you farther.




THAT'S the best post in here.


Darth's was the second best.


Some of the buzzwords and "rules" are complete poo.

But others are pretty important at times.


If someone takes Bitil, slaps airplane wings to them and has them holding different swords, yes, Needs More Custom.

Mocs that fall under needs more custom are like an artist buying a pad and a few tubes of paint, then running one streak across it.


Sometimes the simplicity could be taken as some revolutionary return to basics... but not this many people doing it this many times over (and then complaining there wasn't enough recognition for it).


I agree though, nature is a better teacher than other mocers. A copy of National Geographic or an illustrated wildlife encyclopedia will get you pretty far.


Nothing goes better hand in hand with this than just messing all the heck with parts scattered all over your bed.


Spore works good too.

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I only just found this entry, I hope you do not mind if I comment on it even though it is old.


I see your points very well and I agree with a lot of what you say, but then again there is the other side. I personally do not think the the BZ community is as smart as you give them credit for.


First let me say creativity is a dangerous word to play with, as all great general words are. Yes I agree and many times even encourage strange mocs with interesting color schemes because they do stand out and are nice to look at. Lime-Green, silver and blue... Right on! However I have trouble seeing what is creative about someone taking a basic toa and switching the mask and weapon and calling it an amazing new moc. Sometimes there need to be a higher level of thought than just the first thing that enters a person's head. I myself create a lot of things, but sometimes the first one is not inventive or 'good' enough to be final, and I think this is where many people get a disconnect. Sometimes you have a good idea, but you have to work on it, expand it and refine it by using real world examples and functions. That doesn't mean your design has to be any less fanciful or creative, but some designs do need tweaking.


To expand upon that thought, I myself have followed many of the 'guidelines' and created just another guy with a sword (well with my posts anyway). However I do have creativity with those basic designs and I always bring a differently and creatively designed 'person' to the table. Strangely many times I get completely different ends of the spectrum on mocs I feel are terribly similar. (4 replies compared to 2 pages worth of comments.) To say it is just creativity or the design 'guidelines' does not seem right. There is something more happening when people cannot get replies.


I also will agree that the community probably does see it's fair share of people with swords, and that may be part of the issue. However stepping out of that box does not always reward the person with a nice result. In fact many times I think people do not know what to say about strange creations and choose not to reply.


That being said I would like to move on to the art forum. The art forum is really truly something else. You cannot, and should not compare any image there to another. I myself cannot and have not seen a rhyme or reason for what happens there. It does not always matter if you are inventive/creative or following the trend. What happens there seems to flow more along the lines of who is known as a good artist. It is not exactly that though, I will admit it, but that is what I have noticed myself. You can post those action packed scenes, use great skill and foreshortening, a wide array of colors and design and get only 3 replies. On the other hand you can do just a front view of a character as a sketch and get two pages worth of comments. I really cannot and will not believe that creativity or even skill has anything to do with getting replies in the art forum.


As for the post as a whole. Beautiful writing, great message to be more accepting about differences, and exploring creativity, however I myself think you need to amend this blog and add the phrase "Too human" along side "more customz". To me that seems more proper especially since I have been told a few times, "people do not go to the art forum to see people, but mechanical monsters in action" and have gotten that as a few posts in my topics. To me that is a big waste of creativity, because although you see human's everyday you can really make some stand out and interesting bionicle characters.


Well those are just my thoughts. Again sorry they are so late compared to the original post date, but I do not often read/find blogs as they didn't even exist when I first came here, and I have trouble navigating them because they look really different than other blog sites. Admittedly I should look through more, and yours is on my list as it has some very nice detailed and interesting thoughts.

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