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Well seems like Ohio is now recovering from Hurricane Ike (or what's left of it).


Our campus got hit with Category 1 hurricane-force winds on Sunday, knocking down branches and trees, ripping bushes from the ground, tearing shingles off roofs, and totally cutting all of the power for the whole city (as well as most of the state of OH - my family 1 hour away lost their power only two hours later, as well as the folks down in Cincinatti where 500,000 people were left in the dark). No rain, no lightning, just wind, and LOTS OF IT.


Plus I came within seconds of being hit with mentioned debris. Not fun, I don't recommend it. o_<;;;;


By the time I woke up the next morning to take most of my pics, the cleanup was almost done - students worked on it bright and early in the morning, getting a normal week-long job for the town done in a matter of hours. <3



Bit hard to see here - had to take this from my window during the storm, as we were confined to the dorms until the winds died down. There was branches falling down all over the place, and one of the trees only partially visible in this shot lost almost all of its limbs during the course of the storm.



Tree across from our dorm.



Same tree. There was a car underneath it but it had been removed by the time I got to take a pic.


We only now regained our power/AC/heat/Internet/etc. here in the dorms at 11:06. Everyone simultaneously rejoiced. <3


But yes, that's where I've been the last 48 hours. No power = no classes today, wheee. <3


How was your week? :)




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Man, when you said Ike, I was thinking Fire Emblem character.


Now that you mention it, I guess it explained why my mom couldn't book tickets to Houston.

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Wow, is it just me or was this storm worse than expected? Even clear up in Ohio it still has category 1 force winds? Glad to see your back online and safe.


My week kind of took a turn for the worse after I had to get an evil tooth pulled.

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My week?


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School, School, School, School, School, School, School, School, School, School, dumming, School,School.


So yea, it was fun. >_>



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People I know in Houston don't get power for a few weeks...


I can imagine - if it was this bad up here, I'm sure it's ten times worse down South. >_<



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Yes. There's still a little bit of cleanup to do as well as some restocking of the fridges in the cafeteria, and everyone's having to catch up on internet classes and quizzes and assignments (I myself missed two due to the power outage; only one was rescheduled in time), but other than that everything's a-okay. =D



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Man, when you said Ike, I was thinking Fire Emblem character.


Now that you mention it, I guess it explained why my mom couldn't book tickets to Houston.


Same here. ...What? :lookaround:


That tree picture made me cringe for some reason. :(

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That tree picture made me cringe for some reason. :(


It was really loud when it fell down. Lots of people in my dorm are upset - it was one of the best trees in that whole courtyard, lots of students did study groups under/around it.


Major bummer. :(



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I don't have power, either. In fact, I'm typing this from a mexican resturaunt.


Free Wi-Fi FTW.


My brother says that things were rather insane in his dorm (Brock, aka the Jock Dorm).


Guys were running around in the dark, playing a game kinda like hide and seek.


They would run around with plastic bats looking for the person hiding. Then they would beat the person "it" with the bats when they found him.


Thankfully my brother was sane enough to only watch the commotion.



Good to know power was restored.





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My hall (Faith - so not jock, lol) was doing similar stuff - they played Sardines all night Sunday while I was trying to study. Plus they did some thing with a notebook in one of the bathrooms that scared everyone that came in.


I'm glad I was studying. ._.;



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My hall (Faith - so not jock, lol) was doing similar stuff - they played Sardines all night Sunday while I was trying to study. Plus they did some thing with a notebook in one of the bathrooms that scared everyone that came in.


I'm glad I was studying. ._.;





Not the same, considering -some of- the guys in Brock were lacking pants...




Not my brother, thankfully.




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Not the same, considering -some of- the guys in Brock were lacking pants...




Not my brother, thankfully.





I heard about that. O____o;;; Yeah...



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Okay, I'm done.






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