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Next Tattoo

Spoony Bard


So I currently have 3 tattoos (One, Two, Three, and I already plan on getting the 4th one soon.


All my tattoos have one thing in common, they are all canine based (Wolf howling at moon, Cloudy Wolf, and the FOX logo), and since I rather stick with the wolf theme (and mainly tribal), I have picked the best design for my 4th tattoo.




What better design than the Lego Wolfpack logo? It is wolf related -and- shows my love for Lego (just like Cloudy Wolf shows my love for Final Fantasy).


So yeah. This may go on my right arm.




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Personally, I can't imagine getting a tattoo--I don't see how going through excruciating pain to mark yourself for life and probably regretting it later on is worth it.


But now, it's your choice, and I wouldn't say that you shouldn't. It's a nice design, though I have no idea where you plan to put it.


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Personally, I can't imagine getting a tattoo--I don't see how going through excruciating pain to mark yourself for life and probably regretting it later on is worth it.


But now, it's your choice, and I wouldn't say that you shouldn't. It's a nice design, though I have no idea where you plan to put it.


I don't regret making these choices.


And I said I may put it on my right arm.



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I've always wanted to know if something like that would work,

You mean getting a tattoo on your face?



Yeah, like a mask. It'd be cool. Like Bioshock, except it's a tattoo.

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You shouldn't get any more Omi.

You already have 3

don't you think this is turning into an addiction? I only speak out of the utmost concern for you and I respect that since you are a grown man (so to speak), you are capable of making your own decisions.


But really man. You are already awesome.

You don't need a bunch of tattoos to prove it to anyone. We can all see it from the other side of the country and across the globe.





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You shouldn't get any more Omi.

You already have 3

don't you think this is turning into an addiction? I only speak out of the utmost concern for you and I respect that since you are a grown man (so to speak), you are capable of making your own decisions.


But really man. You are already awesome.

You don't need a bunch of tattoos to prove it to anyone. We can all see it from the other side of the country and across the globe.



Well I'm not getting it right now, but I will eventually, maybe next year or so. And not really an addiction, but I do enjoy the feeling of getting the tattoo (like the actual pain during the tattooing process). I guess I am just weird like that.


My tattoos really aren't to prove anything. They are just there to be art. Art that symbolizes who I am, what I like. If I wanted to show them off all the time (unlike some people I know who got them just to show off), I wouldn't put them in places that are obscured (my shirt covers them all).


Thanks for the concern though, I appreciate it.

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...If you want to express yourself, couldn't you put it in a sketchbook? Lady K does that, she's much-loved. =)


Though I do have to agree it's becoming something of an obsession/addiction. One would be plenty for me if I got one. Two I guess if you really want to. Three is stretching it. Four is a bit much. Your not getting it now, but your already wanting it, and your deciding on, where you want it, and what it should be. I know I'm blowing it way out of proportion with this analogy, but it's like a junkie who's deciding on what drug to get next, how to take it, and whee/who to get it from, but saying he's not addicted.


If you do get it though, I must say that I find this one cute; always have, ever since I saw the wolfpack logo for the first time. ^_^

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...If you want to express yourself, couldn't you put it in a sketchbook? Lady K does that, she's much-loved. =)


Though I do have to agree it's becoming something of an obsession/addiction. One would be plenty for me if I got one. Two I guess if you really want to. Three is stretching it. Four is a bit much. Your not getting it now, but your already wanting it, and your deciding on, where you want it, and what it should be. I know I'm blowing it way out of proportion with this analogy, but it's like a junkie who's deciding on what drug to get next, how to take it, and whee/who to get it from, but saying he's not addicted.


If you do get it though, I must say that I find this one cute; always have, ever since I saw the wolfpack logo for the first time. ^_^

As I said when I got my first one, I want to get five tattoos in my life.


Not an obsession nor addiction. If I was obssessed and addicted, I would cover myself in tattoos, go to tattoo parties and conventions, and even get them on places where even the public can see. Just something I enjoy doing.


I can say the same thing about you being obsessed with the things you do.


Final Fantasy is an obssession. Lego is an obssession. Tattoos are not.


And yeah, I have more class than a drug junkie.


And ummm, there is a difference between me and LK. She is an artist, I am not. I don't draw, she does. Sketching won't do me any good.





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Hmm? Must've missed that...*digs through entries* So you did. My apologies then, I suppose that's fine with me, as you do have some control over it, I just failed to notice it. Again, my apologies.


Points/paragraphs/sections 2-4; Fair enough.


Hence why I said I was blowing it out of proportion. :P


I suppose I'll take your word on that then.

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^Like all ink, tattoo's fade. Take a little lesson from Mr. Axl W. Rose's right arm;




Odds are come 2028, it'll be less a wolf, more a diamond-shaped blur with the top point cut off.

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^Like all ink, tattoo's fade. Take a little lesson from Mr. Axl W. Rose's right arm;




Odds are come 2028, it'll be less a wolf, more a diamond-shaped blur with the top point cut off.

And like all works of art, they can be replenished. You can touch up tattoos when they fade.


Which won't happen for several years down the road.



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