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Weird. I'm finding myself not wanting to follow a lot of constructive criticism.... Bear in mind that while you're reviewing, I read through all the reviews I get. I also try to see what people mean by whatever they say. I'm just not following it nearly as much as I used to. It's rather annoying, but at the same time, it kinda feels good. Like, I feel like I'm MOCing more for myself than other people now. It's strange. I'm starting to dislike the "rules" of MOCing more now. Example: Instead of following the three colors or less rule, I'm finding that more shades and hues are more realistic. <- I haven't put that one into practice much yet. I dunno. It feels so wrong, but it also feels so right. I'm afraid that didn't come out as well as I wanted to, but hopefully you all understand what I mean.



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I earased this comment like a dozen times trying to say what I'm trying to say. Have a garbled version:

"I get what you're saying. 'Rules' can be broken to great effect, sometimes."

I'm very distracted right now. >_<

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Now your thinking with portals... smartness?


Also isn't it fun to deny construction? Like all those people that post in my Foipnoi Toa topics and say Toa can't be Rahi? Just denying them is sooooo fun.

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Well, Draco, that's because they usually aren't.


And I like to try something, and then post that it sucked. It's funny to read peoples replies.


I really want to be able to use more Polygons in my MoCs instead of rambleness.



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Again, like I always say. You're welcome to bend the rules until they snap like pieces of brittle taffy. IF YOU DO IT RIGHT.


The so called "rule" is there because people usually don't do it right.


*waits for onslaught of comments that have nothing to say but "Ur doin it rong!"*

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Again, like I always say. You're welcome to bend the rules until they snap like pieces of brittle taffy. IF YOU DO IT RIGHT.

This is what I was trying to say. :P



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I also am thinking about taking a more Roa aproach towards MoCing.



Take an approach where we can still see what it is you built. In short, don't build a large jumbled mass of near-unrecognizable parts.


Whatever you do, remember to make it aesthetically pleasing. That's why so many people follow the same ideas, because they look better, in general.

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Oh no! You must follow the rules! Otherwise the MOCing Police will come and lock you up! :o




There are no rules in MOCing. It's building things with plastic constuction toys. If there's rules to adhere to in MOCing, then people really are taking it too seriously.


Besides, rules stunt creativity.

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Whatever you do, remember to make it aesthetically pleasing. That's why so many people follow the same ideas, because they look better, in general.

This is very true (though, things DV says about MOCing tend to be).

And there are no rules. Just ideas and elements and principles and such. I remeber Shine saying "Art is anarchy." And there's a lot of truthiness there.

But you should listen to constructive criticism, take it to heart, even if you don't ever implement it. Cause that criticism will help you later on.

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I also am thinking about taking a more Roa aproach towards MoCing.



Take an approach where we can still see what it is you built. In short, don't build a large jumbled mass of near-unrecognizable parts.


Whatever you do, remember to make it aesthetically pleasing. That's why so many people follow the same ideas, because they look better, in general.


And comments like that are rather unnecessary, seeing as I don't do it to you. Have some respect and keep those unkind words to yourself.


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I rather like Roa's style. It gets a tad cluttered but I expect that of Bionicle anyway. I can't think of one other builder currently taking the risks she is.

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I also am thinking about taking a more Roa aproach towards MoCing.



Take an approach where we can still see what it is you built. In short, don't build a large jumbled mass of near-unrecognizable parts.


Whatever you do, remember to make it aesthetically pleasing. That's why so many people follow the same ideas, because they look better, in general.


And comments like that are rather unnecessary, seeing as I don't do it to you. Have some respect and keep those unkind words to yourself.

Elaboration, because I thought that was clear:


If he decides to take a "Roa" approach to MOCing, I want him to leave out your propensity towards clutter and jumble on some of the larger MOCs you build. I just don't like it. :shrugs:


However, if he wants to take your propensity towards fantastic engineering, fantastic part usage, clever configurations, and ridiculous imagination, kudos to him. I just want you guys to do it with less clutter. I think you go overboard on the spikiness too often.


I have to agree with Cajun that you are taking risks no one else is.


Make more sense?

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Next time, try and make a less gravelly approach to things.


Just rememebr that I have been going through some rather intense bad things in my real life lately ok. ;)

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