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Reasons Why October Is Gonna D O M I N A T E



And 'ere we go!


October 1rst- My braces come off!


October 8th- I forgot but I know it's hardcore win.


October 10th- R.A Salvatore is coming to my Borders to sign his books. That dude is my favorite author!


October 12th- My birthday! WHOOO


October 13th- I get it off 'cuz of Colombus Day.


October 14th- Anime club where I can investigate the possible fangirl further.


October 20th- Halloween party with my bruddas from all the udda muddas *I finally get to see all my friends at once again*


October 31rst- Halloween AND Dead Space!




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R A Salvatore powns. I'm going read the Pirate King faster than you can say Forgotten Realms.


Of course, as a D&D player, I understand it better than all y'alls.


Pirate King! Pirate King!



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Dead Space looks epic. I can't wait for it to come out. I've been waiting for a scary game to come out for a while. Zombies don't really scary me, zombie alien monsters on a dark dilapitated space station probably will.


This game will seriously own. I can't wait to face the Necromorphs. They seem like really cool enemies, and they sure do live up to their name, "the changing dead". Always changing, always something new and terrible to expect. Sounds like my kind of game.

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