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Concerning My Withdrawl

Kevin Owens


For those of you observant enough to notice, I just withdrew AWGM from RPG Contest 11. It will most likely not be coming back. I'm sure some of you are rejoicing that there's one less heavyweight to compete against, and that's cool. I understand. However, I have one reason for not continuing with AWGM. It started out as an epic, turned into an RPG, and finally into a sort of RPG/Epic hybrid. Cap'n did that with The Gate, and from what I can tell from his testimony and others, it ruined an otherwise good idea. I don't want that. While AWGM is, in my not so humble opinion, epic in every sense of the word. However, the way I have envisioned it does not make it applicable for an RPG, but rather that of an story. I apologize to those who wanted to play it.


I also apologize that I will never be able to write AWGM and that it's doomed to remain locked in my half-crazed mind forever. My schedule as of right now does not allot me very much free time, most of which is spend here, with you guys. There's very little that can pry me away from you guys. Seriously. I love each and every single one of you. That's why I'm stopping AWGM. You guys deserve my best, and AWGM is far from even great in what I can offer you guys. Inbetween BZP, school, and work I have just enough time to sleep and eat. However, if anyone compentent would like to give AWGM a try, drop me a PM. I essentially have the whole story plotted out, and I'm more than willing to share the nitty gritty for those willing to type it out.


Now let's just talk about what this doesn't mean. This doesn't mean I'm just dropping you guys and leaving for a few months like earlier. That's currently the last thing I want. This doesn't mean I'm backing out of RPing. I still intend to RP, heavily in fact. Also, this doesn't mean I don't plan on entering any more RPG contests. Far from it. I've been batting around a new RPG called Endless Blue that you can expect to see next contest. This doesn't mean I hate you guys or anything like that. I love you guys like I've stated before. I'm here for you.


And on a completely different note, I'm leaving tomorrow for a vacation in the woods. I'm not sure if they'll be internet up where we're going. So if I drop out for about four days, that's where I am.


Have I mentioned I love you guys yet?


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and BZP loves you, especially with your awesome story skills...


sad to see AWGM go, but all good great AMAZING SUPER WIN RPGs OF AWESOMENESS must end...


and did i mention BZP loves you too?

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Oh hush. I'm not that good. I'm too fickle and dumb for the most part to have good writing skills. If you want to go praise someone like Setsuna, Munki, TPTI, The Cap'n, JMJ, Soyvelent Green, Koname, Crimson Jester, Wysp, or Vezok's Friend. Heck, go praise Nihy. He's even better than me!


I'm sad to see AWGM go to. Trust me. It's hard to work on something for almost two years and then just let it all go. I guess I'm just glad that I managed to cut it off when I did. I always viewed losing in the contests as a curse, but now that I look back I see it as a huge blessing. If AWGM won when I first entered it, it would've been a train wreck. I lacked the necessary RPing skills to make it happen. Even now, I still have a long way to go before I reach my full potential. I'm glad though that I decided to discontinue AWGM though. It was an extremly hard and slightly sorrowful decision to make, but in the end I believe it's for the best.

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Ah well. Ultimately it is your decision, and I won't pretend I'm not sorry to see you pull it out as it looked awesome to play. But if you think it is for the best, it is for the best.

I agree with you that making an RPG like an epic doesn't work. At times I really disliked how The Gate was going

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Ah well. Ultimately it is your decision, and I won't pretend I'm not sorry to see you pull it out as it looked awesome to play. But if you think it is for the best, it is for the best.

I agree with you that making an RPG like an epic doesn't work. At times I really disliked how The Gate was going

I do believe it is for the best. I had too many things set in stone and almost no room for originality. Maybe later after I finish Endless Blue, I might have the skill necessary to pull it off. Maybe.


Dude, I don't rank that high.

Yes you do. No need to be humble. You really are that great.

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