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Concerning Parents

Kevin Owens



I need to address something that's concerned me for awhile. It's a two part rant. So let's get started.

First of all, your parents love you. It really should go without saying, but occasionally we all need to be reminded. There are very, very few exceptions to that rule. Most likely, you are not an exception.

Now then when you're parents restrict you from doing something, they do it because they love you. They don't do it because they hate you. They don't do it because they enjoy punishing you. They don't do it out of spite or malice or whatever. They do it out of love. So when they say they don't want you staying out past ten or swearing or not doing certain activities or visiting certain cites or you fill in the blank, they do it out of love. You should be more than willing to obey them just on that basis alone.

Unfortunately that reason does not satisfy most kids these days, so I must use a different argument. Your parents tell you what to and what not to do because they are wise. Your parents have been around the block a few times, so they have a fairly good grasp on how things work in this world. Better than you do anyway. So when they tell you what to do, they essentially know what they're talking about. Seriously, clean out your ears and listen for once. You're better off for it.

Now before you run off and hit reply and tell me that you agree and all that, stop and remind yourself that this is a two part rant. I'm not finished.

Now then, I don't want to see any "I agwee" stuff in my the comments for this entry. None. I don't want to hear it because I know you don't practice it. I lost track how many times I've heard "My Mom/Dad hates me blah blah blah they don't let me have fun blah blah blah I can't wait til I go off to college blah blah blah blah." It enrages me to no end and I have the intense urge to punch the person. And trust me, that's quite an acomplishment in and of itself.

Now before somebody plays the hypocrite card and brings up some of the things I've said about my parents, don't. I was wrong, and I regret that I said them. Furthermore, I don't claim to not be apart of the problem either. If anything, I am the problem. I condemn that which I am. I condemn that which you are. I condemn that which we will be.

That is all.


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It's possible to believe in something and still fail to live up to it.


The problem arises when the parents' practice of loving and setting restrictions is no longer an act of will, but a compulsion.

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Nah, I read the whole thing, I just meant the parents who make their kids eat glass and stuff.

Read the second line Keyblade :rolleyes:


I don't want to hear it because I know you don't practice it.

Wrong. You may have heard all that stuff you complain about, but you have not heard it from me, so don't tar me with the same brush. I don't hate my parents and I do listen to them. They have to do something pretty extreme to rile me. Now before you go telling me that I'm not perfect, I only said I don't hate my parents. My sister is a completely different story <_<

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It's possible to believe in something and still fail to live up to it.


The problem arises when the parents' practice of loving and setting restrictions is no longer an act of will, but a compulsion.

Ah, justification. I have nothing to add here.


I don't want to hear it because I know you don't practice it.

Wrong. You may have heard all that stuff you complain about, but you have not heard it from me, so don't tar me with the same brush. I don't hate my parents and I do listen to them. They have to do something pretty extreme to rile me. Now before you go telling me that I'm not perfect, I only said I don't hate my parents. My sister is a completely different story <_<


It really should go without saying, but occasionally we all need to be reminded.

It might not have been obvious, but that was intended for the whole rant. So just consider this a reminder then.

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I'm part of the problem, I confess

But I've gotta get this off my chest

Let's extinguish the anguish for which we're to blame

And save the world from going down in flames


Great rant. I try my best to follow your guidelines, but I do sometimes find myself slipping.

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