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Bionicle And Bzp



I get a lot of questions about when BIONICLE will end, and I see a lot of topics on here about whether BZP would survive its ending.


Well, all things end, eventually -- it might be a year or five years or 20 years or 100 years, but everything ends. But as someone who loves BIONICLE as much you do, I will give you some free advice:


On the day it does end, assuming it is a time when you are still into it -- don't give up on it. Keep building models, writing stories, making theories. Someday, when the line ends, you guys will be the keepers of the flame, just as Star Trek fans were and Star Wars fans were (very few people remember that in 1991 Star Wars was considered a "dead license" -- it was the fans who kept interest alive until new books and movies came out). Never let anyone else's decisions -- not mine, not LEGO Company's, not anyone's -- dictate whether you maintain your interest in something you love. Don't walk away from BZP, which may be the place BIONICLE lives on for years after its "official passing." And from this one site on the web and others like it, who knows, perhaps someday a new universe will grow.


Hopefully, this is not something any of us will have to worry about for some time to come -- but I thought it was important to say.




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i know i will, greg you bet on that,

* one day after bionicle histroy ends *

welcome to HZPower, youre one stop to evrything halo!

welcome, sparten 942 of flight


:P ok, i wouldn't let that happen.

still though, eventually, the more you do something, the more thing's get repetitive. but here's one thng,

there need's to be a new main evil!

like say, voporak from before or someone comes to threaten the city's once more! and they go to some new city, on a far away land and bla bla bla.........


my point is, the longer things stay the same, the more boring it get's. fortuently there's so many characters and fact's, people havent started to get to that fact yet.


--akaku, master of air

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*applauds* Great speech, Greg, and it served its purpose. It rang home to me, at least…even the fans have some say in Bionicle after all. Kind of strange to think that in a few years, the receptive readers and fans of a storyline could actually be the most active people in keeping the storyline going.


I wouldn’t be sad if Bionicle ended. As long as LEGO keeps churning out great storylines and sets like they did with Bionicle, we’ll always be entertained. And sometime, maybe a decade or two into the future, one of the fans on BZP might get a job in LEGO…and even help bring Bionicle back. Though I guess that’s wishful thinking.


Whatever the case, here’s to a great end of the year.

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