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Lamlradio #58

Black Six


So, word on the street was right and I did have a brief appearance on another episode of LAMLradio, the Lego talk podcast. You can listen to Episode #58, which, while claiming to talk about Lego and politics, is really more about how the economy is affecting Lego prices and trends we may see in the future. It's pretty interesting stuff.


So, in my last entry I mentioned the idea of a potential BZPower podcast. What kind of stuff would you like to see in such a thing?


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I think that a BZPower podcast would be quite interesting. No ideas as to what I think would be cool to have in it, but I think a lot of members would like it.

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Member interviews, an audio review once in a while, or maybe a debate on a BZP "Hot topic" (Lime green, Mistika resemblances, etc.)
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So, in my last entry I mentioned the idea of a potential BZPower podcast. What kind of stuff would you like to see in such a thing?


You're so vain,

You probably thik this song is about you...

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Why not add a small corner for debates? A few come to mind, such as which Matoran set was the best design-wise (IE, 2003 over 2001, or 2008 over 2004). That'd be fun.


Also, it needs Omi. You have to put him in on it. And more me. I'd totally be willing to throw my voice onto the interweb for anyone to hear. -Swert

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may I mention that a member here is already setting up a Bionicle podcast? there is a link in my sig.

Members have created podcasts before. None of them have been official, and most of them haven't stuck around that long. IF we do something, I wouldn't want it to be like the latter, where it just disappears (like the original Powercast). If anything happens there will be a lot of pre-planning so things work out well (hopefully).

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I personally would be very excited to see an official podcast.

Some things that I could think of would be elements such as staff or member interviews, discussion about recent events in Bionicle such as new sets, new books, etc., and maybe some discussion about upcoming news items on the calendar, such as Brickcon, Brickfair, that kind of thing.

In any case, I think it's a great idea! :)


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