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They Are America

ToM Dracone


Obama. McCain. Biden. Palin. You all know that the best ticket out there would be Stephen Colbert and Tina Fey. They'd know how to handle things as President and VP.


(and so help me if anyone turns this into a real political discussion I will have to hurt you.)


Also, the deadline for registering to vote is coming up! It's already there in Texas! Don't miss out if you want to vote!

~ ToM


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I thought the deadline was the 4th in most places... was over here, at least.


I would've supported the comedians-as-canidates alot more if Robin Williams hadn't done a movie on that exact same thing a couple years ago. :o





It varies, sometimes extremely, from state to state. In Texas it's today, the 6th; here in New York it's the 10th; some states have it as late as the 24th...

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You mean real Stephen Colbert (as seen on the Report) for president, and the fake character Stephen Colbert (as seen in most interviews and in his house) for VP?

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You mean real Stephen Colbert (as seen on the Report) for president, and the fake character Stephen Colbert (as seen in most interviews and in his house) for VP?



[Forgive me for snipping this out – you're completely allowed to state who you support, but I would -really- rather that this entry didn't turn into a comment thread about such. Argetlam has a nice entry over here for stating who you support. As Velox illustrated, the moment one person declares a side, other people join in, and then things just get ugly...]

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Aw, no love for Tina? But she'd make a great VP! :P


Did we ever say that we wouldn't?


I would, I would just like to see Colbert try and do both.


(Oh, an sorry about that other post, I didn't finish it and my computer had a spasm and posted it without any say from me...)



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Mickey Mouse get's about 5% of the popular vote each time....


Deadline was today, the 6th. Tomorrow I'll get to register as absentee instead of having to drive/bike somewhere.


Calvin/Hobbes '08!

(Or Solo/Chewy, take your pic.)



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I'd say vote me, but it's obvious all I'd do is sit around and contribute nothing to the world.

Hey! I'd make an excellent president then!

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Paris Hilton/Britney Spears '08.


It's the best choice.

Ugh, I hate both of them.


But we should definitely go for Cajun/DV '08


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