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Calm Down, Take It Easy, Enjoy The Ride

Kevin Owens


When I was browsing through my old Sparta Bionicle edit, I saw something that sparked my interest. Someone posted the following.


I hope intentionally bad isn't back in style


That person missed the intention of my edits. When most people go into edit topics, they expect something that took time, effort, and looks good. When they go into mine, what they get... is well... the self proclaimed Greatest Onua Edits Ever. When they go into that topic expecting something amazing, they leave disapointed. Why? Because they're taking it too seriously. I'm not making edits to wow you. I'm not making edits to amaze you. If I was in it for that, trust me when I say that I can think of several other places I could go for that. Why do I make my edits? I make my edits because they make me chuckle. I post them in the hope that they'll make you chuckle as well. If they do, mission acomplished. If they don't, well that's fine too. If they leave you flustered, then you've missed the point. You need to calm down, and not take things so seriously.


Honestly, I think we take too many things too seriously nowadays. Take all the music bashing that goes around. We're all like "HURR DUHR I HATE (insert song, artist, or genre here)." We take music far too seriously. We need to slow down and just shut up. Seriously, just calm down and listen to the music and enjoy it. No need to get our panties all up in a bunch just because we don't prefer a certain type of music and someone else does.


Another thing we take too seriously, BZP. We treat BZP as if it were serious business. Pro Tip: It's not. We need to yet again calm down, stop the hate, and remind ourselves that we're united in our love for bionicle, past or present. Stop bashing on the staff too. Granted, the staff need to take BZP as serious buisness, but we don't need to make it any more difficult than it is. I honestly don't want to become a staff member. I don't want BZP to become serious business for me. I want BZP to just be a place where I can come, hang out, and talk about my favorite time line. I don't want BZP to become a place where I have to worry about someone what myself just said that broke some rule. I honestly don't.


On the note of BZP being serious business, the same applies to Bionicle. It's not serious. Calm down. Enjoy the ride.


The next two paragraphs will be on roleplaying. If it doesn't apply to you, skip over it.


We also take roleplaying too seriously. It's supposed to be something we're supposed to enjoy, not make serious business. Case in point, the difference between my characters Nezka and Ga. For those not in the know, Nezka was a my character in The Gate, while Ga is currently in Fracture. Nezka was my serious business character. She was motivated by anger and pretty much wanted to stick a knife in everyone's back. Plenty of angst. Nezka took a faction of a faction and turned it into a huge player in the scheme of things. She brokered deals with major factions, and played a major role in the storyline up until the very end end. I LOVE The Cap'n for letting me doing that with her, and I had a ton of fun with her.


And then there's Ga, a tiny little matoran that carries around a plushie that she calls Mr. Mauka. She slightly really insane, and acts like a child all the time. She's my "Let's just screw around and have fun" character. I've only played her for a week, and I've had just as much fun if not more than I've ever had with Nezka. Did I have fun with both of them? Yes. Do I enjoy Ga more than Nezka? You better believe it.


For those not paying attention to roleplaying stuff, you can start reading again.



I'm actually quite surprised at how long I let this get. It originally going to be only about my edits, and it turned out into a huge rant about why do we take things so seriously. If you've read this long, I thank you and hope that you managed to gleam something from my wordy meanderings.


Now stop being serious, put on your child hat, and go out there and give someone a hug.


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