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All About The Motivation



Sister: If the Olympics happen in America can we go see them?


Me: You're gonna have to wait and see if New York puts in a bid for the 2016 Olympics.


Mom: 2016?


Me: London has 2012, remember?


Mom: Oh yeah.


Sister: Why New York? Because Daddy works there?


Me: Because it's close, doesn't matter whether or not Daddy works there.


Mom: (to my sister) And how old will you be in 2016?


Sister: Um... 15?


Mom: Think about it. What year were you born?


Sister: 2002.


Mom: So what's 2016 minus 2002?


Sister: Uhhh...


Mom: What's 16 minus 2?


Sister: Uhh... oh oh 14!


Mom: Right! So how old would [your brother] be?


Sister: Umm...


Mom: In 2016...


Sister: 27?


Mom: No! Think about it...


Sister: Umm...


Me: How many years older than you am I?


Sister: Uh, 10! No, 11!


Mom: He won't be 11 when you're 14!


Me: No, I asked her how much older than her I was.


Mom: Oh.




Mom: So have you figured it out yet?


Sister: 26!


Mom: Before you could do this much faster! I think your math is getting worse as you're getting older!


Sister: No! Okay okay wait... don't tell me the answer...




Sister: Wait!




Sister: Don't tell me the answer!




Me: Okay, how about this. For every extra second you take solving this problem, you have to do an extra math problem.


Sister: (immediately) 25!




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