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Coming Up On The End



By now, it's no surprise to a lot of core BIONICLE fans think they know what's happening in the story at the end of 2008. I ain't saying one way or t'other. But there are some fun things coming your way in the next couple of months that'll probably surprise y'all.*


One thing just came across my desk that tickled me. I had the rare opportunity to write canon storyline for the web site (with Greg's input, of course), and some of what's coming up has a lot of relevance to the entire 2001-2008 storyline. On top of that, a couple of pieces of text were recorded as a podcast, some of which I'll share in roughly 9 days, 18 hours, and 56 minutes. Not that I'm counting.


Although I've been eyeball-deep in the story and marketing and presentation of BIONICLE for the last 14 months, I don't think anything I've done will make as much of a difference as these little bits of text. Long after the web sites are dust, the story will go on, and I got to write just a little bit of it.


Yeah, so that's the fanboy coming out. It's important to keep that perspective, otherwise it's just another job with looming deadlines and deliverables that need to be churned out. It'd be a shame if it ever got to that point, and little things like the "voice of BIONICLE" reading my writing in a podcast helps set this job apart from any others. I'm extremely privileged to be in the position I am at this time. When the day-to-day pressures start to cook my brain, I take a couple of minutes to reflect on what I'm doing, and how I get nearly instant feedback on my performance from 40,000 of my closest friends. You sure can't get that kind of job satisfaction pumping gas at the local Kwik-E-Mart. Unless you fancy gas fumes.


As soon as I can release the podcasts, you bet I will. Heck, they're going in my resume!


* Don't ask me why I started in a drawl. I dunno.


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Sounds great, will we get to hear your voice by any chance on the podcast? Haven't heard your voice sine the BZPowercast days.


Will the podcasts be released on bioniclestory.com?



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My voice won't be on the podcast, thankfully. But when the new LEGO Power Functions site goes live, you'll see and hear me there.


And you may think you know what to expect...

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LEGO Power Functions?


But anyway, great to hear that you get to contribute to the story Bink

Is this going to be Released here in your blog, Bionicle.com, or Bioniclestory.com?

BTW: Who it about?

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LEGO Power Functions?


But anyway, great to hear that you get to contribute to the story Bink

Is this going to be Released here in your blog, Bionicle.com, or Bioniclestory.com?

BTW: Who it about?

I'll probably slap it up on the MP3 section of BIONICLE.com. As for the content - you'll have to see.

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Ya do a good job, Binks. We're glad you enjoy it, 'cause it'd drive most of us into insanity trying to come up with all the ideas you do. =)


I haven't read a single Bionicle book since the first trilogy about the Toa on Mata Nui. This gives me a huge advantage over the BZP populace, and I know what the ending is already. Yeah... :P

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Heh, haven't seen/heard you since Oct. 06.


That'll be fun.


Anyway, that podcast sounds awesome. Consider me jealous.


Good luck with the resume, Bink. Can't get much better than Lego Web Manager (or whatever you call yourself these days, probably Personal Web Maniac or something, whatever sounds good on paper). Besides, I'm sure by the time you step back into Oregon, your old boss would ask where you were, and you can tell him. That'd be a fun conversation. -Swert

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*Hopes a new character named Binky isn't introduced into the story* :P

*Hopes for Makuta Binka* :P

Turaga Binka?


On-Topic: So, let me get it straight, you will do a podcast about BIONICLE? Cool :P

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*Hopes a new character named Binky isn't introduced into the story* :P

*Hopes for Makuta Binka* :P

Turaga Binka?


On-Topic: So, let me get it straight, you will do a podcast about BIONICLE? Cool :P

Uh... no. But you'll find out in a week and a half.

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I have a few questions too. Does Tony Wedgwood voice the podcast?? (he is the voice of BIONICLE in my opinion :) ) And, will we get too see all of what you wrote?? Oh, and if we have read Bionicle Legends 11, and seen The Final Co_____ (censored so I don't get in trouble) video, will we know the end, or are there even more goodies?



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Awesome, I cant wait, Literaly I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<


I dont Think PATIENCE should be a virtue


Off Topic- Mr. Bink, If I may make a suggestion for Bionicle.com in the future, Please, Please, PLEASE Never do the countdowns AGAIN EVER!!!!!!!!!

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Wow, cool, thanks for sharing, Binkmeister.

Just a question, do you mean we'll hear the Podcast, and/or see the text next week, or was that about something else?



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