Monster Mystery Powerpoint Art Contest

Here's what I've settled on for the next blog contest. Invent a mysterious and terrifying Bionicle monster. I will write an adventure mystery short story using the winning monster as the antagonist.

I'll set it on Metru Nui during 2006-2008. The Matoran hero from my RPG, Hujo, will be the protagonist. He will have to try to figure out the identity of this monster as it wreaks havoc while trying to remain mysterious and unseen by its victims. Similar to the LOST Monster. It will be another bonus Paracosmos short story.
But what IS the monster? That's up to you guys.

Here's what I'm looking for:
1) Make an image of your monster in Powerpoint and post it here. Here's my guides on powerpoint art again:
Powerpoint Art Guides:
● Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy
● Coolifying With Powerpoint Vector Art
2) Tell me about its powers, motives, etc. in a bio in your post.
3) Please note that this has to be a bad guy.
4) As per Bones Blog tradition, you may enter up to three different monsters. Only one monster will win out of all the entries, though.
5) No, you can't copy off the LOST Monster.

The short story will be posted in the Library and in a blog entry. The winner will be revealed through the story -- I'll make it as mysterious as I can.

Contest is open again until noon next Wednesday (Dec 17)..
[Deadline extended two weeks.]
[Deadline extended another week.]
Have fun!
Here are three random example monsters, with bios in spoiler tags:
Foliage Monster Hiding
Foliage Monster
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This giant mutant Fikou Spider blends in with foliage, thanks to its green fur. Shown here with eyes open, it usually closes its narrow eyes and senses prey by ground vibrations and sound. When its prey comes near, it strikes! As a normal Fikou spider, it was released from the Archives 1000 years ago during the Great Cataclysm. Visorak venom mutated it -- eventually it settled into this form. The venom drove it insane, and it has a paranoid, frantic personality. It was also given Mute power, so its victims' cries for help cannot be heard. Now that the city is being repopulated, its paranoia has driven it to capture Matoran with a vengeance. Its venom renders the prey mute and disoriented -- it usually imprisons them in a deep hole to be eaten later. For now, it has enough Rahi trapped to feed on, but will the Matoran be rescued in time?
Nightwindow Monster
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Origins unknown, this monster hides underwater at day, but at night it hovers outside Metru Nui skyscrapers. It sends blue energy tendrils right through window glass, and destroys anything in its path. It eats fish, so its attacks have nothing to do with food. It is an intelligent and evil being who can sense fear. It doesn't feed on fear -- it merely enjoys sensing fear. At all times it tries hard to avoid being identified -- its attacks are sudden, and last mere seconds. It leaves furniture, machines, and inner walls in ruin in its wake. Thus far no serious injuries have happened, but nobody knows when it will go too far.
Rhotuka Serpent
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Recently, a Makuta was spotted by Takanuva off Metru Nui's shores. Soon after, bursts of light began attacking Metru Nui's structures, weakening them even as the Matoran tried to rebuild. At first, some worried that Takanuva himself had turned against them, but eventually the bursts were found to come from strange yellow Rhotuka. The spinners were designed differently from normal Rhotuka, allowing them to maneuver fast and quiet through ground plants long distances before flying up to attack their actual targets. This made it nearly impossible to find out where the Rhotuka were coming from. In fact, they came from the Rhotuka Serpent, a new creation of that Makuta. In addition to slowing the rebuilding, the serpent has a connection to the Makuta attacking Karda Nui, draining away some of the light that hits them when a Midak sphere is fired at them. The main benefit to the Makuta is that when the mystery is finally solved, it will only reinforce the idea that the Makuta don't want Mata Nui awakened... which is exactly what they want the Toa to think...
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