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Vezok's Friend


I just wanted to drop a quick entry here to explain a bit of inactivity from my side here.


School was keeping me busy and right now there are some issues that need to be taken care of. I need to get my routine back and increase my sleeping hours.

Midnight as average doesn't work...

I keep getting late too school ( not missing classes, but usually I am just in after the teacher arrives and at the frequency I hav now it is really bugging my classmates and me the most).

So I might be off earlier from next week on.

I also got my draft notice from the army, I need to ring up my diving instructor, my wisdom teeth will need treatment and I have some stuff I need to do for friends.

My monthly plans are a lot more complex then I thought...-.-


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Oh no,


Such a pain. Sorry to hear about the crammed schedual.


I hope you get things worked out :)




It's not really crammed, it's just things that block stuff. Like a room with a few boxes (just two or three) piled up at the exit and I have to put them aside.

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Yikes, I relate about the crazy schedules and all that jazz, it’s not fun and likes to give you artist block. Try not to get too frustrated about it, we all understand. Just try your best, we got your back. ^^
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All my BZP friends seem to be online less and less these days :(


Wait, army draft? Mandatory service or did you volunteer?


Mandatory. I wouldn't volounteer anyway these days. If I did I might as well wear a shirt saying "Not afraid to die".

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