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The moral of the story is: Omi likes praise, and when someone disagrees with him, he gets peeved. Real peeved.

I never ask for praise. Not once.


I only get peeved when members like yourselves have a disregard for BZP.


Seriously Omi, you act like a spoiled child half the time. And you're older than most of us.


And I'm NOT just talking about this spam thing.

Sorry that I prefer BZP to be spam free.

Whatever respect I had for you. All gone.

Not like I ever had it or wanted it. :D


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I have plenty of respect for BZPower and it's rules. I do not have respect for people that get uppity, hyper defensive, and seemingly angry at jokes.

I am not defending this piece of spam, nor any other. I am merely recognizing the fact that most BZPers remember and laugh at that piece of spam. In a way, it has become a piece of "BZP culture", just like any other fad, joke, or meme.

I've seen you get peeved and childish plenty of other times, Omi. Remember that ridiculous feud you were having in the Official Price Guide topic? Yeah. That was weird.

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I have plenty of respect for BZPower and it's rules. I do not have respect for people that get uppity, hyper defensive, and seemingly angry at jokes.

It wasn't a joke.


I am not defending this piece of spam, nor any other. I am merely recognizing the fact that most BZPers remember and laugh at that piece of spam. In a way, it has become a piece of "BZP culture", just like any other fad, joke, or meme.

It is not part of BZP culture. See this:

You destroyed a piece of BZP's culture.



A culture that embraces spam? That's not what we're about here at BZP. I agree with Shilo that we're better off without it.

I've seen you get peeved and childish plenty of other times, Omi. Remember that ridiculous feud you were having in the Official Price Guide topic? Yeah. That was weird.

And that has anything to do with this? Wasn't a ridiculous feud. It was a debate on the official state of misprints. Not like you would know anything about that.



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Disregard my previous comment. Me and Omi both agree that spam is bad, and I'm okay to let it sit at that.

(but have you ever been to the comedies/comics forums? XD)


Edit: And I will ignore that last insult.
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(but have you ever been to the comedies/comics forums? XD)

I did moderate Comedies before.


Removing me from that forum was a big mistake.

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BZP is not the place for spam. We do not support, spread, or embrace it. If members like the message for whatever reason, fine. They just can't spread it on BZPower.


Let's everyone just calm down.

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Wow, there must have been some serious business here. Did someone here kill a man, or what?


And this is why I rarely venture out of the Marching Band Topic anymore.

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Okay, Bunda, I will say that Omi was not having a "ridiculous feud" -- we were actually having a civil debate about misprints and such. But I definitely agree that he gets too defensive about really minor things like this.

Whats the moral of this story, kids?


Never tick off omi. Cause he gets scary when you do.

What's so scary? He just said that he doesn't respect me.


LOL @ CG's comment. I should post more band-related stuff here.



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Ah, but earlier in this entry you said you were putting Siddy on your list, and Nixon had a sort of "enemies list." Ergo, a similarity.
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Ah, but earlier in this entry you said you were putting Siddy on your list, and Nixon had a sort of "enemies list." Ergo, a similarity.

Who said it was an enemies list? :P

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Oh, your tone and overall reaction sort of implied that. But then, such things are notoriously difficult to detect over the internet.
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Lol, okay, I will lock it. :P


Never mind, it's unlocked. Since we aren't really discussing the original topic, and this is my most popular entry yet, I think I'll keep it open.



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