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I'm reading practically the same posts in all these entries.


It's like Pokemon. You gotta catch 'em all. The entries, that is. And replace "catch" with "post in."

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This is one of the most historical days in the history of the United States of America.


And we're here to witness it happening. We will be able to tell our children, our grandchildren, and possibly our great grandchildren, that we were living during this truly historical moment, when a Black man was elected to the highest rank in the United States of America, where about 50 years ago, Blacks were treated terribly, and where Blacks were also in the past used as slaves simply because of the color of their skin, and that is ridiculous.


I honestly think BZP needs to post a news story about this, as they did with 9/11, since this will rank up with the Revolutionary War as some of America's most historic, and country-changing moments. And we're living through it.

We have Republican BZPers, and we have Democrat BZPers. Some of us supported McCain, others of us supported Obama. Regardless, we can all agree that this is a life-changing event.




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You forgot the swing voters, the "why-don't-i-like-anyone" independents, the Libertarians, the Greens, the Constitutionalists, and all those who continue to vote for Nader.


Anyways, we all need to take a break before the media feeding frenzy descends upon us again in 4 years.

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No, BZP doesn't need a news report on this. 9/11 was different... that was to honor those who died, and even those topics tend to get political and turn into flame wars.


Yes, today is a historical day, but how great it will be judged in the future depends on Obama's performance as our Commander in Chief. I do hope he does well.



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I disagree with most of Barack Hussein Obama's plans.

You need to stop. I've seen some of your comments about this, and you have crossed the line. You've already been warned multiple times. And because of your actions...


Entry Locked.



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