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Rules And Why They Stand

Spoony Bard


I been a member of BZPower since 2003, and a member of the staff since 2004. During my membership, I have seen a large amount of complaints concerning the rules.


People say the rules are unfair, and that we are the strictest site on the web, or that not being able to discuss something that you have faith in offends you.


Rules are here for a reason. They are set to keep things from getting out of hand. Remember, this is an international website, which is full of many different minded people who don't all share the same beliefs. Thus the rules are here to accommodate everyone as a whole. As the saying goes for New England "If you don't like the weather, then get out". basically if you feel the rules don't suit you, then you can leave freely. BZP doesn't force you to stay nor leave.


But if you love this site but still don't agree with it, then learn to tolerate and deal with it. Yeah I don't agree with some staff and some rules, but hey I deal with it. I even enforced rules I didn't approve of.


Then we have members who know the rules, and break them with full knowledge that they did. And then they pass it off as "I see no problem with it". Well here is the thing. You don't have the authority to make that kind of decision. The staff do. Just because you see no problem with it, does not mean it is allowed.


The rules are not going to change just to benefit you. They never have, and probably never will. So if you going to suggest a rule change or complain, don't waste your breath.


So please, as a final request from me, please read the Reference Desk and BZP Compendium, and don't disregard any of the rules set in place. If I can do it, then so can you.






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How did I bring it up? You said young children are unable to engage in civil discussion. I didn't bring it up.

You said that if other forums can do it, so can BZP. BZP can't even hold a civil discussion when it comes to a toy.

That's a problem? There are some words that, due to the general consensus of America, I can understand being censored, but there are a bunch that make no sense to be censored IMO.

Well deal with it.

I take offense to what you edited in there. Would I have said I would've edited it after you responded if I didn't understand them? I'm offended by what you said there, it was uncalled for. You could've just edited it out. And you could've at least responded to that;I don't break rules to break them, I break them because otherwise what I say makes no sense, and even then I'll often butcher what I say to fit the filter. >>

Considering that you been warned quite a few times for such similar offense, you should know the rules by now. I found it uncalled for that you did it with full knowledge. You are the true example of what I was talking about.


Don't break the rules, especially in my blog. No exceptions to it.





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You know what, forget it, I'm done debating with you. I'm tired of giving my humble opinion, and, just because it opposes yours, having to go into a huge thing over it with you.

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You know what, forget it, I'm done debating with you. I'm tired of giving my humble opinion, and, just because it opposes yours, having to go into a huge thing over it with you.

By all means be humble and give your opinion.


But I don't care what point you are making, rules will be followed in this blog. Regardless if you see a problem with it or not.



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I take offense to what you edited in there. Would I have said I would've edited it after you responded if I didn't understand them? I'm offended by what you said there, it was uncalled for. You could've just edited it out. And you could've at least responded to that; Removed -Omi. I don't break rules to break them, I break them because otherwise what I say makes no sense, and even then I'll often butcher what I say to fit the filter. >>

You know... I think I'll be keeping a very close eye on your blog. That way, I can be sure that things do make sense, and if you do break rules, you will face the consequences. And considering, you know the rules, you will have no one to blame but yourself.


You know what, forget it, I'm done debating with you. I'm tired of giving my humble opinion, and, just because it opposes yours, having to go into a huge thing over it with you.

By all means be humble and give your opinion.


But I don't care what point you are making, rules will be followed in this blog. Regardless if you see a problem with it or not.



I thank you for helping to ensure the rules are enforced. The rules will be followed on the entire site. No one is excluded from the rules, not even the staff.



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Never thought I'd say this, but I agree with Omi (heh).


I would never want a little kid reading swear words on BZP, obviously he/she will eventually learn it from a friend or some other site, but knowing that BZP was the reason he is dropping the f-bomb everywhere he goes would make the staff/members feel guilty for ruining the innocence of a child. Not to mention it'd get the parents nice and angry.


Now, filtering the shortened form of moderator is another thing.

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Now, filtering the shortened form of moderator is another thing.

That one has history to it, but to be brief, it has something to do with the advertising policy.



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I totally know what that filter means, and wouldn't it just be better to let them say it so its detectable? I mean, I was trying to talk about modifying nerf guns and the filter was cheesegrating me.
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Now, filtering the shortened form of moderator is another thing.

That one has history to it, but to be brief, it has something to do with the advertising policy.



Yeah I knew that, but why? They are of no competition (let's face it) and pose no harm to BZP. And 99% of people saying the shortened form of moderator mean "moderator" and aren't referencing to that.

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post Nov 10 2008, 06:55 PM


I would never want a little kid reading swear words on BZP, obviously he/she will eventually learn it from a friend or some other site, but knowing that BZP was the reason he is dropping the f-bomb everywhere he goes would make the staff/members feel guilty for ruining the innocence of a child. Not to mention it'd get the parents nice and angry.


Bah. In this day and age, these words are EVERYWHERE. I use curse words calmly in every day language, not because I'm unlearned or stupid, but... heck, it just saves time. I blow at speaking on my feet. Curse words are just so... quick.


But to you and to Necro as well, the real point, plain and simple, not EVEN because kids get carried away with the freedom to curse, is that it keeps parents "cool" with BZ.


These words are everywhere, as I said. And here's one tiny place it's not.

To BZ, this is how curse words positively simplify it's life like it does mine, just in totally opposite ways.


I spend a majority of my time modding on a different Lego site.

Whenever BZ goes down for an extended period of time, BOOM.

Noobs everywhere. They come in acting like minimods, but then finally realize they're allowed to curse.

Unfortunately the next thing a lot of them do is to go overboard with it, looking really dumb until they figure out that no one else is doing it.


And that's ok. The site will go back to normal after they get it out of their system and some of the boogers turn out to be good members.




I mean, it'd work, ...they'd eventually get it out of their system.

But then a "clean" clone of BZ would be made by someone with entrepreneurial foresight and IT would be the new BZ, as the old BZ would have turned into just another Lego fan site that parents don't approve of.


BZ's "weird". But it's successful. You can't expect the cursing situation to change. It might be bad if it does.


Now as for the word "moderator". It sounds weird when the filter calls a (poopy) moc a "Toa Moderator".


So is there any other word one could suggest as a replacement that means "custom" as well as a second meaning for "one in power"?

I wonder... :fear:

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Now, filtering the shortened form of moderator is another thing.

That one has history to it, but to be brief, it has something to do with the advertising policy.



Yeah I knew that, but why? They are of no competition (let's face it) and pose no harm to BZP. And 99% of people saying the shortened form of moderator mean "moderator" and aren't referencing to that.

Long history and some drama were involved. We asked for it to be off the filtered, but to no avail. :/



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Eh, what can ya do. Grudges are grudges.


Filtering the poorly spelt "the" to... err "the" also irritates me. I should be allowed to correct my own spelling darn it. If all commonly misspelt words are going to be filtered, "grammer" should have been there a long time ago.

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Hey, i was wondering, how many words other than the FIVE are on the Filter list?

i know Moderator and various websites are filtered, but anything else?

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Hey, i was wondering, how many words other than the FIVE are on the Filter list?

i know Moderator and various websites are filtered, but anything else?

Various "leet" words, "the", etc etc.


It goes up to a thousand words I heard.

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Eh, what can ya do. Grudges are grudges.


Filtering the poorly spelt "the" to... err "the" also irritates me. I should be allowed to correct my own spelling darn it. If all commonly misspelt words are going to be filtered, "grammer" should have been there a long time ago.

The variant of "the" was so overused and probably considered leet (it can be argued), but if meh can be removed from the filter, I'm sure that will also make its way.


Also I just brought the "Moderator" situation to Andrew, so maybe?

Hey, i was wondering, how many words other than the FIVE are on the Filter list?

i know Moderator and various websites are filtered, but anything else?

Various swears, ones that are commonly used, and some that aren't used but got on there cuz I requested them to be on there (I actually made up a list of swears that weren't filtered).


Other various insults, like the synonym for "moron", and some leet. Also some overused and annoying words and phrases are on there.



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The variant of "the" was so overused and probably considered leet (it can be argued), but if meh can be removed from the filter, I'm sure that will also make its way.

Again, the issue of continuity. If one word is censored, all words that are like it should be. It's little things like this that make the filter such a hassle.


I think the uncensored "my mom" could be better off with number signs instead of that. It looks like the filter is calling my mother one.


Also I just brought the "Moderator" situation to Andrew, so maybe?

Fingers crooossssed.

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Not to sound like a kiss up but I agree with Omi. Rules (so long as they are not totally unreasonable which none on BZP are) are there for a reason. And the filter is honestly one of the things that I LOVE about BZP (I go to other sites sometimes and am disgusted by their swearing!)


The only time it is ever annoying to me is when you I writing an Epic or Short Story and you want your character to call someone a " cool dude ". That ends up sort of annoying.


But even then I still feel a sense of pride that SOMEONE on this planet still has a sense of decency.

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Yeah, if any have to go it's that darn "cool dude" dealie.


The J variant on that is pretty ridiculous too. I remember the reason that one was censored, but who would ever use it in a sentence like that, really?

Even on the HARSHEST sites on the net you don't see it used in conjunction with the other word to say that.


You might see it on a site where clothes are lacking of course, but it just doesn't pop up anywhere else that comes to mind. It's a passe' curse, rarely seen nowadays.

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Some of the rules are silly.


But I remember being able to say "Toamod" and nobody caring about that..


I think, if the word is found in G-rated films..it should be fine. And who actually finds "the J word" offensive..?




I must admit, you don't find much outright hatred on BZPower. People don't usually attack each other. And most parental controls don't have a problem with BZPower (although mine won't let me go to the LEGO.com forums.)


Honestly, not being able to use a couple of words is a small sacrifice to make, to keep the site nice. I'm fine with it.


And I can still say "stupid". =D

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ahh... I too am sick of members and sometimes noobs who think the rules are unfair. I never considered them unfair; spam is spam. How much of it Lego.com cuts down on is their problem. I have never seen the rules unfair; annoyed by some of them, but i do see the logic. *shoots inventor of 20-day-topic-revival rule* ^_^ I feel better...

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