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Rules And Why They Stand

Spoony Bard


I been a member of BZPower since 2003, and a member of the staff since 2004. During my membership, I have seen a large amount of complaints concerning the rules.


People say the rules are unfair, and that we are the strictest site on the web, or that not being able to discuss something that you have faith in offends you.


Rules are here for a reason. They are set to keep things from getting out of hand. Remember, this is an international website, which is full of many different minded people who don't all share the same beliefs. Thus the rules are here to accommodate everyone as a whole. As the saying goes for New England "If you don't like the weather, then get out". basically if you feel the rules don't suit you, then you can leave freely. BZP doesn't force you to stay nor leave.


But if you love this site but still don't agree with it, then learn to tolerate and deal with it. Yeah I don't agree with some staff and some rules, but hey I deal with it. I even enforced rules I didn't approve of.


Then we have members who know the rules, and break them with full knowledge that they did. And then they pass it off as "I see no problem with it". Well here is the thing. You don't have the authority to make that kind of decision. The staff do. Just because you see no problem with it, does not mean it is allowed.


The rules are not going to change just to benefit you. They never have, and probably never will. So if you going to suggest a rule change or complain, don't waste your breath.


So please, as a final request from me, please read the Reference Desk and BZP Compendium, and don't disregard any of the rules set in place. If I can do it, then so can you.






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But Omi, you're superior! :o


No, seriously, I try my best to follow the rules each and every day I'm here, and I have witnesses to back up the claim that I certainly manage to. Even in my noob days I was completely capable of not breaking rules, only because it's easy. How someone could be so obnoxiously, and excuse my language, stupid enough to break a solid rule right then and there astonishes me.


The rules are literally RIGHT THERE. A few scrolls and clicks and you're ALREADY THERE. How can one think himself to be so magnificently special to break a rule is annoying and rude, and represents that one knows nothing about internet and the dangers it yields.


And, really, how much strength can it possibly take to abide to such simple, basic rules? If you ask me, most people nowadays have no knowledge to the fact that rules are rules, and they're here for a reason. And to abide to them is for the better of others' browsing experience. Nobody wants to be blamed for making poor the experience people have on this site.


Now, I conclude with the fact that many people follow the rules here and more people don't. This certainly cannot be fixed, but we all need to learn to live with it and set it aside forever. Don't bother to suggest chaning a rule to better your own browsing experience and ruining it for others. Everybody here is treated fairly, and no mater how many times one will say the rules are unfair, they're not, and that is the Universal Rule all should know about.

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