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A Drama Entry Without Drama (wait, What?)

Vezok's Friend


This is propably one of the most random entries in my Blog yet. And no, I am in no deep psychological well trying to see the bottom clearly, that is reserved for philosophy class and other times. Before you pity me, just know I am quite happy while typing this and this is just me wanting to ask you (who bother to read my stuff here) something that's been bugging me since I was ten:


Do you pay attention to your surroundings and the people around you?


If yes, you certainly know the following kind of people: Grumpy, slow, uninterested, respectless or plain unfriendly. I am sure everyone propably has seen or knows one of those people. The young guy in baggypants at the bustop blaffing at your for slightly looking in his direction. The old man staring you down because you ride a bycicle on the sidewalk or simply because you are still young. The middleaged lady in the bus murmuring something nasty about you because you have a seat and she doesn't, although she doesn't carry any shopping bags or is pregnant or in any kind entitled to ask you to stand up. These people who walk around and if you meet enough of them in one day they can seriously kill your good mood.

I am pretty sure you can relate.


Why are there so many grey-faced, corners-of-mouth-down people? Is there too much bad weather or is it the time we live in I wonder?


Maybe it is time to spread a little joy people. So if you go out on the street the next time and someone looks at you as if he's got a personal cloud of rain over his/her head, give them a smile, just for the sake of maybe meeting someone who returns it ;)


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as long as you have a coffee or fav beverage in your hand nothing should get you wrong

That's called a caffiene high, Ranna, and I don't think it's quite the same thing :P


I know what you mean about the bus stop people (<WARNING! RANT ALERT!>). The old women who whap you with their handbags and say "Wait your turn" when you've been there longer than them. Seriously. I had been waiting for half an hour and this old biddy barges in front of me claiming she'd got to the stop first when she'd been there all of two minutes.

They say they just want to be shown a little respect. Well perhaps they should try showing a little respect first so we don't just think they're all just selfish pensioners who seem to think they're owed the world because of the amount of wrinkles they've amassed.

Confuscious said: "Do not mistreat the youth of today. Their future could be greater than your history."

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as long as you have a coffee or fav beverage in your hand nothing should get you wrong

That's called a caffiene high, Ranna, and I don't think it's quite the same thing :P


I know what you mean about the bus stop people (<WARNING! RANT ALERT!>). The old women who whap you with their handbags and say "Wait your turn" when you've been there longer than them. Seriously. I had been waiting for half an hour and this old biddy barges in front of me claiming she'd got to the stop first when she'd been there all of two minutes.

They say they just want to be shown a little respect. Well perhaps they should try showing a little respect first so we don't just think they're all just selfish pensioners who seem to think they're owed the world because of the amount of wrinkles they've amassed.

Confuscious said: "Do not mistreat the youth of today. Their future could be greater than your history."


I threaten my parents like that. "Oh you and your youth, what do you know?" my dad sometimes says and I reply "I know what oldpeoples home I am gonna put you in once your totally gaga from age if you don't stop this."

I don't mean it seriously but aparrently it works.

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Your content blocks are screwin' up my screen, so I can't read the discussion here, but I want to say: Excellent entry.


It's hard, somehow, to act differently than usual, even to people you don't know and will likely never see again. But there are so many things to be happy about, it's a shame to see people ignoring them because they're focusing on the bad.

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