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I'm Depressed...

Taka Nuvia




Drawn during maths.


See, today we were told that we'd get a new teacher in maths, because we had troubles with our former one, and today was the last lesson with her. But instead of being friendly and make a nice last lesson, she treated us like... well, what it said in my sketch. I mean, who does she think she is?


She came into the class, and asked us whether we wanted to learn something today. We, of course, said yes. And suddenly she said she wouldn't explain anything, because "she never does it" and now we "should experience what it's like if she doesn't". :(


Honestly, why did she do that to us?


And there's a reason why I drew a crying Taka - I cried myself. I drew this so in hope I wouldn't cry myself then, but... well... :crying:


We'Re gonna get a new maths teacher next monday, and 2 girls of my class went to the headmaster after that lesson to tell him what happened.


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Thats awful! :(


I had a math teacher basically call me stupid right to my face in high school...... talk about a mindbender there........



You are getting a new teacher who is probably a lot cooler than that one. Whoopeee!

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It´s incredible how there´s always happening something in you life, Taka. Sadly, that isn´t necessary something good. I hope your good mood has returned.


How do you think your new teacher´s gonna be?


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My math teacher once openly stated that I was failing, when I wasn't, and had said that she had a hatred for me. I left that school however.


But I really hope that your situation becomes better Taka, I'd really hate to see a teacher treat students in such a rude way. :(

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Aww, poor taka. I know how you feel, exept it's with my science teacher, and she alwais treats us like dirt in her class. Everyday. Non-stop. (starts crying too :crying: )

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Math teachers... we currently have one of the two worst math teachers on our school, but we can't change it (we actually used the German word "absägen" [= to cut down with a saw, fig. meaning to end his time as our math teacher] when we discussed what to do about him). Our school, while I must say I really like it there, doesn't permit teacher changes.



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