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My Poor Baby :(



My little Havoc had to get his MaleCathood taken away today.

We took him to the Vet early this morning, and he's come back a spayed kitty.

Now he's kinda suffering abit from it. Poor baby :( Anyway I'm praying that he gets well.

But good thing is he's not gonna be a trouble maker when he gets older, such as no more marking territory.


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No man deserves to loose his manhood, not even a cat. :(

Is better to be spayded then be put-down 'cause you weren't being looked after properly.


In my Country (maybe only state) it's illegal to own a cat that is registered not spayded.

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No man deserves to loose his manhood, not even a cat. :(

Is better to be spayded then be put-down 'cause you weren't being looked after properly.


In my Country (maybe only state) it's illegal to own a cat that is registered not spayded.


So your saying, if you have a cat you gotta get it fixed and checked up or else It'll be put down? O_o Harsh.


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No man deserves to loose his manhood, not even a cat. :(

Is better to be spayded then be put-down 'cause you weren't being looked after properly.


In my Country (maybe only state) it's illegal to own a cat that is registered not spayded.


So your saying, if you have a cat you gotta get it fixed and checked up or else It'll be put down? O_o Harsh.

No, but, even if it was old, it would be taken away from you and placed into the hands of the RSPCA.

They look after the animals well, but people mostly adopt kittens, so if they had to many new animals coming in and the fact that it costs heap to take care of them and the cat wasn't adopted, it would be put to sleep.


Your kitten is lucky it has good owners.

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I feel sorry for you and you're wittle kitty. But my aunt is a vet and she says that even being spayed wont stop that.

Well our Vet said when you get them when two pounds and eightweeks of age and you should to avoid your kitten marking territory in the near future.

But if your Aunts right, O_O I hope he doesn't do that.

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