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Follow Up 1



Okay, the survey's been out for a week, so let's see what people want.


1) Is having the BIONICLE logo as the map with each forum section being an island a good idea? If not, what would be better?


Most people seemed to like the map, although Great Being #1 has proposed an alternative (see below).


2) Do you agree with the island names? If not, what are some better ones you can think of?


Once again, no one had any major qualms with these. Terakk, though, has suggested some of his own (see below).


3) Do you agree with the elemental designations of the forums? If not, what do you suggest?


Very few issues here, though see GB's map for his suggestions.


The other 3 :annoyed2:) Where should blogs go?


Voting was more split here, but the majority of you wanted it to go in people's homes.


4) How do homes work?


This was probably the closest vote, but most people decided that you live in a home in one of the forums.



So now the follow up:


1) If things stay this way will you be so totally disgusted by this project that you'll boycott it entirely or can you live with it?


2) a- Do you like GB's suggested map better than mine (barring the fact that mine is interactive)?

b- Do you like Terakk's island name suggestions (Pheskal, Zatovas, and Arventos) better than mine?



I'll tally up the results in a week or so and then we can move onto phase two!


Recommended Comments

1) I can live with it.


2a) It's okay, but too many curves for me to see. Sorry GB :o


2b) I prefer to keep what you have, mostly because it reflects what's there. Plus, it's your project xD -Swert

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1) Boycot enntirely. Wait, why wouldI d0 that? Naw, it's fine.

2) I like some of the forum sizes and locations-reletive-to-other-forums a little better.

3) Original names.



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1. I guess I can live with it, although I do kinda wonder where the people who mainly hang out in blogs are going to live. :P


2. Haven't really compared them. :P

3. I suppose, but I'd like to know how he came up with them... :blink:

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Well, I thought the original island names were not Bionicle-sounding.

BTW, my names are completely original. A few others I had thought of: Voprekk-Nui, Kaluvia, and Tahka-Voro.

Then, creative outlet would be BZ-Wahi, and in the center of the map, the heart of BZ-Nui, would be it's own seperate island, and the city called Hapori Metru. BZ-Mahri, under the sea, would contain the blogs. The BZPers would live on the eastern continent.

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