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Server Bliss



Binky so happy with the server.


As you may recall, last month I found a way to optimize the BZPower database, and the site's been running much more smoothly since then. Our hits have been up, and the weekends have been stellar, with nearly 3 million hits a day during weekends in September. I've seen more than 500 people online at once, with the server behaving itself. After literally years of futzing around with the settings, it's truly gratifying that I've finally stumbled onto the right solution to make the site run smoothly and more reliably.


One thing I noticed was that when the Voya Nui Online game was announced as being online, our hits decreased substantially. The last two days have seen marked decreases in bandwidth and hits, but the visits have stayed steady. That means the same number of people are coming to BZP, but they're not doing as much. I strongly suspect it's because everyone's headed over to play VNOLG. It's also certainly obvious by the web logs that school's back in!


IPB Image


I can't overstate how much of a relief the server stability is to me. After all the false starts and "Gosh, I think this'll do it..." tweaks that didn't work, I was nearly ready to give up. Nobody knows the dozens - maybe hundreds - of hours I spent wading through technical manuals over the years, trying to figure the best optimization... so if you sent me an email or PM that didn't get answered, that may be why.


At any rate, it's been a month and we're still humming along. The only glitches have been when we've turned BS01 back on, and something on that site sucked up massive amounts of server resources, effectively blocking BZP for up to an hour at a time. (BS01 is hosted by BZP on the same machine.) There are plans in place to alleviate that issue also, but in the meantime BS01 is currently offline.


So for now... smooooooooth sailing on BZP like you've never seen.


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Heh, and true to form, not more than two hours after I post this, the server crawls into its bellybutton for 5 minutes. But that's not bad... just time to re-optimize.

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It's also certainly obvious by the web logs that school's back in!


Rub it in, Binky.


Glad to see the server running so well! I can guarantee you that the drop of hits was because of VNOG. So many members are saying they're addicted. Check out Makaru's blog. :P

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Congratulations, Binky. Now that you've said this, I notice that I haven't seen a "serverlode" page in a while. Coincidentally, Maj didn't mess up on me at all yesterday. Is this the apocolypse?


My school's server reeks.

I'm taking an online french course, and it loves to kick me off during my unit tests...


~GN (Y)

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My school's server reeks.

Ugh, my school's server is either down or "down for maintenance" almost all the time. And when it is up, it's slow as... as BZP was. :P


Nice work Bink, I've only gotten one server busy message in the past two days. Looks like the optimization worked!

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Does this mean we will get BZP skins? :P



Yes, that's one of the last major things on my to-do list, probably after NWBC.

You must be annoyed for everytime we ask that. :P



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Does this mean we will get BZP skins? :P



Yes, that's one of the last major things on my to-do list, probably after NWBC.

You must be annoyed for everytime we ask that. :P



Sometimes. But it's also good to keep me honest.

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That's because their server is a 486 in the computer science lab, Biomech.

What's a 486?


Yes, that's one of the last major things on my to-do list, probably after NWBC.



Bio is happy to help if you need any Bink. :D

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Right after me: Hip hip! Horray! [wash, rinse, repeat]


Way to go Bink! We all love you, you know that. :P


Hits are lower with VNOLG huh? :lol: That's pretty funny, considering the facts. I'm already to Chapter 7...sheesh...

What's that website traffic analyzer btw?


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Right after me: Hip hip! Horray! [wash, rinse, repeat]

I thought that was "Lather, rinse, obey..."

What's that website traffic analyzer btw?

It's a standards stats package called Webalyzer. I also use Urchin.

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Well, the good news is I'm not entirely upset with losing BS01.




More of a break for me B)


Anyway, I'm also considering hitting NWBC, considering it's about an hour long trip on the Sounder, with a bus from Lakewood to Tacoma <3


Anyway, good luck with the server, Binky. I'm seeing this as the eye of the storm (considering you said it yourself, school time + VNOLG), so you can finally relax and fix it. -Swert

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That's because their server is a 486 in the computer science lab, Biomech.

What's a 486?

486 MHz...the processor to have back when I was in high school....

....in the mid 90's. :P



Ooh, we used to dream of 486 power when I were a wee lad, we had to comfort ourselves with massive mainframes using phones hooked into modem cradles. We computed in a hole in the middle of the street, and we was grateful for that much! We drank our tea from rolled-up newspapers! We...


Uh, sorry for the Monty Python flashback... but the 8086 was the ultimate in power when I was in school. We measured speed in Kilohertz. Tens of KHz.

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That's because their server is a 486 in the computer science lab, Biomech.

What's a 486?

486 MHz...the processor to have back when I was in high school....

....in the mid 90's. :P





486 MHz... I'd die if I had a computer with a processor like that. Eww. *shudders*


I'll stick to 1.6 GHz, thanks. =D

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