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Remember Kids, Don't Pour Cold Water Into A Hot Beaker



So in science today we were running tests to check for the presence of carbs, glucose, fats, and other stuff in some food samples (they were all blended up with water and they were naaaasty :X), and for one of the tests the test tube with the foodstuffs and indicator had to be boiled. One person pointed out that the water had mostly boiled away in the beaker on the hot plate, so the teacher took the jug of water and poured some more in. All of a sudden there was a loud crack and water started running onto the hot plate, so the teacher piched the beaker up off it and the entire bottom fell off. xD The shock had apparently cracked it all around the bottom edge, so the beaker was now more of a disc and a tube of glass.


It was amusing.


(I swear there was something about not doing that in our safety contract somewhere.)


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Stand back, I'm going to try science!


*cracks beaker*


Was that a clean break? o_O



Fairly so. There was a small part that wasn't even with the rest, but other than that the bottom came off and was circular.

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Like what happened the other day in -my- science class...


Teacher had an awesome demo going, he was dropping elements into a jar of water, heating them up, etc, to show us reactivity. So in one class [not mine], he drops a chunk of pure sodium into a glass bottle full of water, shakes it, sodium EXPLODES, cracking bottle and shooting glass across the room.


Needless to say, it wasn't fun.



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Aw, what kind of a chemistry/science class is that? I'd let my kids start pouring Bromine and Liquid Nitrogen on squirrels and train them to bite peoples shins! Busting open those 70s-looking electroballs and then turning them on! That's REAL science!!

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My science teacher warned us not to do that. :P


But I got to see my stepdad do it anyway on accident (with a plate, a microwave, and some water).

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That doesn't happen everyday for you guys? Oh, oops.....


My class purposely does stuff like that. lol The teacher (Mr. Lowell) doesn't notice and if he does, we're usually like "..... I think I did something wrong Mr. Lowell......" and he is like "*sigh* Just clean it up."


And I did the same things last year because I had him then too. x.x



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Science is best left to the non-Teaching proffessionals

Cause teachers are only poorly paid Actors


~The Makuta collectively known as Ynot~

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