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Apparently It's What Defined Me As A Person O.o



So yeah the daycare I went to when I was just a wee little lad full of health and joy, I apparently went to this daycare place (I remember the daycare, but no specifics) that served seemingly as cheap snacks as they could get. No juice, just water. All natural foods. All that good stuff. But the logic worked, in that if kids are trained not to eat sugary foods or drink sugary drinks, they'll eat healthier stuff.


And apparently that's why I don't drink any soda.


That, and the fizz bothers me. I don't want to be burping up the same flavor I just drank. >.>


… wow I need to go to sleep. <_>


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Lol, same here; besides rice drink (for cereal and cookies) the only thing I ever drink is water. Soda is so bad for you. It's mostly just corn and sugar. And if it's caffeinated then it can stunt your growth, too.


And burping. Yuk. Nothing sucks more than having to burp, but not being able to and swallowing it back down. :sick:

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I was brought up under the falsehood that sugar = hyperactivity... which blew.

No sugar, no candy and a mom who spent 2 months out of the year with marzipan drying on every flat surface of the house? UGH.


But in my teens and up, I was POUNDING away soda.

Know what? Never unhealthier in my life.


If a drink says, "high fructose corn syrup"... I ain't drinkin' it.

I like Jones soda sometimes, that's like pure cane sugar.


Also, no fluoride. Do some research. it's evil.


Same with aspartame.


I haven't gone so far yet as to not drink milk. I LOVE it too much.

Also keepin' away from anything that says "China" on it. Scary business practices there. I like my kidneys just the way they are, thanks.

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'Nuff is 'nuff.


I caress the can first. Then I gently open the lid and sip through it slowly and slowly, savoring the oh so wonderful sugary flavoring...


And then I burp multiple times at once, and it rather hurts.


But it's all part of the fun! ^_^

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Also, no fluoride. Do some research. it's evil.


Same with aspartame.



I drink the occasional soda, especially Ginger Ale, but I am not by any means addicted like some. I drink a can maybe once every one-and-a-half to two weeks.

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My mom totally failed me in early childhood then. =P


And if it's caffeinated then it can stunt your growth, too.

Nonsense, old bean! I've been drinking pop all my life and I'm what, 6-foot-4? Somewhere in that neighborhood. But I can drink pop like Dr Pepper like a fish in water. =\


I guess results may vary.


*in b4 DX is "the exception not the rule"*

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The only time I've ever had a carbonated beverage other than root beer (apparently the concept of root beer doesn't exist in Germany. Hm.) is at BrickCon, when I had two bottles of sprite over the course of two days.


I just about died.


- :f: :flagcanada:

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