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Childcare Action Project



Those who know me know I think censorship is a load of *censored*, sort of like that. What ticks me off is the "non-partisan" organizations and the extremes they have. The thing that is really ticking me of to the point of blogging this though is this "lovely" thought from the Childcare Action Project; They freaking marked down Star Wars because "Darth Vader and The Empire have a 'bad attitude'.", because clearly, a terrifying cyborg with a hobby of strangling people and the murderous dictatorship he serves were intended as role models. Normally I'm silent about this stuff, but seeing that really broke the bloody limit for me, even if it's outdated.


So yeah, normally I don't blog this kind of stuff, but when you mark off an incredibly awesome movie for having actual non-"bwahaha protagonist, here's my plan I should really keep secret from you!" "Thank you, now prepare to lose!" "Oh drat, vengeance swear!" villain and having him win occasionally, I just lose faith in your mental stability.


Just to clear, the only one this is directed at Tom Carder, founder of the Childcare Protection Act, and I guarantee you he is offended by my previous entries. Not intended in any ways to offend, refer to or trash anyone here on BZP.


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*sigh*, I'll go get the torches... and the gasoline... and the bazooka... and all that non-violent educational jazz that I like.
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Are these the type of people who want to tell the lie that good beats evil every time? No question about it?


I hate those type of people.

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"bad attitude"

They're evil. What do they expect?


What's next? marking down Code Lyoko because William "was not careful"?





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Considering Darth Vader was like modeled after Hitler? I dunno.


And who cares. Does it affect you? Are you still able to watch Star Wars?



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Im a little confused why nonpartisan is in quotes. Besides therer will always be PC obsessed nutjobs, its not like anyone is really being deprived of their daily Vader fix.

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