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First Concert



December 9, 2008

Now then, let's say that today was...interesting, factoring in my concert.

My first two blocks and first elective were the same thing as every day...do a ton more math than I'd like to, then do relatively nothing in language arts. Then go to gym, eat lunch. Gym is...terrible. Terribly set up.

I'm getting off track, aren't I?

Band was a pretty big twist. We spent the whole period talking about our concert tonight before we finally headed outside to go do a full band practice at the high school (which just so happens to be directly across the street). We did pretty well...and that took up ninth and tenth period! :D Which meant I missed a whole block, which means I missed a whole core class, which means I missed Social Studies. Yayy

I walked into my SS class and the announcements came on, bell rang, went home, did my homework, ate dinner, got all dressed up ( :( ), and went to the high school.

I don't think I did bad at the concert. I was definitely playing the best in the trombone section, though...everyone else is SO SOFT. O_o It really wasn't much. We played a few pieces, maybe twenty-five minutes, then listened to the eighth grade's half hour concert. Meh, not much to say.

I'm VERY tired. So tired you wouldn't believe it. And my head hurts. REALLY BAD.

And smart Javi hasn't even showered yet. *taps*


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We played First Concert: A Demonstration Performance, Family Fugue, Popcorn Prelude, The Bermuda Triangle, In the Calm of the Starry Sky, Our Tumultuous, Trustworthy, and Terrific Trumpets, and Jingle Bells.


They're all beginner songs. Really easy for me--I was playing way harder stuff in, liek, fifth grade, soo...


EDIT: I probably should've said that this was my first concert in NC. ><


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Sounds like fun-type stuff. I played French Horn in seventh and eighth grade.


I don't know why people don't like dressing up. I don't get it.

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A'cuz it's not "cool". The only thing I didn't like about it was tucking in my shirt, though. :lol: That always makes me feel weird.


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In our high school band, I play electric guitar. Think what this would be like, rocking out while standing next to a really loud drummer with no earplugs.



~Terakk ;)

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