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Forum Bios



Not too much activity on the last follow up, but oh well. :shrugs: I'll just leave post-counts and proto alone for now unless someone gets some really good ideas. Now, however, onto the fun part. :)


So we've seen the map, we have a general idea of how things work, now let's get a better picture of each of the individual forums. To recap, the forums have been given their elements for the following reasons:


Fire: Bionicle Collectibles -- Ta-Matoran make masks.

Fire: LEGO Bionicle Sets -- Ta-Matoran make the parts for things like Vahki, etc.


Water: New Member Q&A -- Ga-Matoran are teachers.

Water: General Discussion -- Ga-Matoran talk a lot? (Kind of grasping at straws here. :P)


Stone: Buy/Sell/Trade -- Po-Koro had a thriving marketplace in MNOLG1

Stone: Marketplace Banter -- (See above.)


Ice: Bionicle Storyline & Theories -- Ko-Matoran ponder the future.

Ice: Voting Booth -- Ko-Matoran use information they collect to extrapolate the future (also a bit of a stretch).


Air: Comedies -- Le-Matoran joke around.

Air: Bionicle Artwork III: Bionicle Comics -- (See above).


Earth: Bionicle Reference Center -- Onu-Matoran archive things and study the past.

Earth: Bionicle Movies & Books -- The tales told in the movies and books are about the past, which interests the Onu-Matoran.


Light: BZP Reference Desk -- Nothing more bright and painful to the eyes than a bunch of rules (also, it's like the "ultimate" element).

Light: BZPower.com News Discussion -- Shines a light into the darkness of ignorance (once again, mostly because it'd be unfair to give another forum Light).


Plasma: Completely Off Topic -- Plasma is full of energy and all over the place, just like COT.

Plasma: Bionicle Games & Trivia -- Once again, full of energy


Magnetism: Bionicle Software -- Information is often stored magnetically.

Magnetism: Fan-Made Games -- (See above.)


Plant Life: Bionicle Artwork I: General Art -- Plant Life is serene, graceful, and beautiful, just like artwork.

Plant Life: Bionicle Promotions -- Plants also try to spread themselves everywhere, which is what Promotions are for.


Gravity: LEGO General Discussion -- Gravity is things being held together, like LEGO sets.

Gravity: Bionicle Artwork II: Shops & Kits -- The various sprites and banners are also things that are being held together.


Iron: Bionicle Based Creations -- BIONICLE creatures are metallic and Fe-Matoran are industrious, building many things.

Iron: BBC Contest Voting -- (See above.)


Sonics: Epics -- De-Matoran like the quiet, making it easier for them to read.

Sonics: Short Stories -- (See above.)


Lightning: Bionicle RPG -- Nikila, the only Toa of Lightning we've seen, was a strategist and Tahnok-Kal was said to be the fiercest of the Bohrok-Kal. Sounds like an RPG player to me.

Lightning: RPG Contest Voting -- (See above).


Also, here is the map so you can see where each forum is roughly.


What I want from you is a small bio on each of the forums. Maybe a paragraph or so detailing scenery, lifestyle, and maybe a brief history if you want. You can submit as many as you want and we'll vote on the best in the next entry.


I'll get you started with the island of Hapori Nui.


BZP Reference Desk: Built on the remains of the ancient village of BZ-Koro, where the earliest colonists once lived, this region has since become the capitol of the BZ Nui archipelago. After the denizens branched out to the surrounding islands, the island was used as a central hub for maintaining order between the early settlements. Now a shining golden fortress stands there in whose many rooms the staff spend their leisure time, conduct official business, and where proclamations are made to the people of BZ Nui.


New Member Q&A: An entire coastline filled with schools to educate newer (and sometimes older) members on the workings of the site. Situated near to the official list of rules, it isn't difficult for students to quickly learn everything they need to know about membership. It is often frequented by experienced members and staff, especially Forum Mentors, to pass on their knowledge of the site.


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Couldn't you also make the argument, though, that Earth could work with S&T, since Onu-Matoran look to the past, and many theorists also look to the past for evidence?
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If I could provide a suggestion for Proto and posts, I think that they should be on a wristband of sorts. The Proto band would be white and have a grayish tint with 10 spaces. 5 spaces would be full already because that's how much you have at the beginning. Staff would come to your house and administrate either a proto boost or drop by taking your wristband and moving a bar that's locked to normal members and Forum Assistants. Post counts would be counted as going to the topic, posting, and moving a bar similar to the Proto band by one.


That's all I have to say. :P





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Couldn't you also make the argument, though, that Earth could work with S&T, since Onu-Matoran look to the past, and many theorists also look to the past for evidence?

Yes, but there wasn't another Ice one that fit. :P

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Couldn't you also make the argument, though, that Earth could work with S&T, since Onu-Matoran look to the past, and many theorists also look to the past for evidence?

Yes, but there wasn't another Ice one that fit. :P

'Sides, the past is used there as evidence for what will happen in the future. Instead of stars, they have Greg. Or something.

These all make sense to me.

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Bionicle Storyline and Theories - Always prestigious and occasionally pretentious, the inhabitants of S&T approach their intricate passions with diligence. Alabaster buildings and cleanly streets complement the typical order and organization for which its members strive. It isn't loud or bustling, but its thronged with thought and certainly very active. S&Ters live with high intensity, high stakes, and high rises. Historically, S&T has been home to great thinkers, and although the active individuals change, there is a tradition of a small core of highly dedicated, thorough, and knowledgeable members who lead their fellows in theorizing, disproving, and and discussing.


That may be a little too flowery and poetic for this purpose, but it's what came to mind when I pictured S&T. I think it fits the "ice" image well.

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Bionicle Artwork 3: there are several small barely known cities serounding bigger cities such as : Razor, founded by Marty Razor Kira. Chimouru, founded by Dark709. RZ founded by Rahi Zaku and more.

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Every member could have a proto tank where their proto is stored, and when proto is taken away, it's added to a proto tank where proto can be taken out of an added to a member's proto tank when they join or they get a boost. Staff may also create proto at will.

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Geez, SPIRIT, you're just so lazy, getting everyone else to write your bios for you. :P


Also, posts/Proto could be like a badge or something. :P


And I loled at mumu's description of S&T. Not the style of writing, but what is says. :P [No offence to him, though. :fear:]

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Well, I thought the original island names were not Bionicle-sounding.

BTW, my names are completely original. A few others I had thought of: Voprekk-Nui, Kaluvia, and Tahka-Voro.

Then, creative outlet would be BZ-Wahi, and in the center of the map, the heart of BZ-Nui, would be it's own seperate island, and the city called Hapori Metru. BZ-Mahri, under the sea, would contain the blogs. The BZPers would live on the eastern continent.



And how about all of this is inside Hapori Tohu, He IS a Great Spirit.


And look!


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Air: Bionicle Artwork III: Bionicle Comics -- Le-Matoran joke around.

What does that mean for people like me, who write serious comics?


also plzkthx no comic land refs D=

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Air: Bionicle Artwork III: Bionicle Comics -- Le-Matoran joke around.

What does that mean for people like me, who write serious comics?


also plzkthx no comic land refs D=

The Le-Matoran were also into the arts, like with music, and into more serious ventures like chutes and flying machines. So while the majority liked to joke around, there was a fair amount of serious types. ;)

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Hey 600th comment. Nice to see you. =D


Also yay BZ-Nui or whatever it is. I thank all of you guys on behalf of SPIKIT. =D

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Just discovered this project and I really like it so far.


As an LGD person I thought I'd take a shot at the Lego General Discussion Forum, on the island of Elcinoib. If you want more or want me to throw half of it away, that's fine.


Lego General Discussion: Portion of the island of Elcinoib colonized by those living on the northeastern-most portion of Viso. Due to Elcinoib's unusual natural resources, the region's settlements look very different from anywhere else in BZ Nui- even the Completely Off Topic people living next door. It maintains its own small but well-connected community, whose members are considered somewhat secluded and out of touch by others- a representation that is somewhat deserved with some, but completely unfounded with many other members. They have divided their land into regions for RPGs, stories, MOCs, Artwork, and sets, with the main area used for simple general discussion, all held together by the gravitic pull of the region's element. Its residents like to consider it a smaller model of BZ Nui.


If BZ Nui is one island, then would other Bionicle websites be other islands in 'Hapori Tohu'? Like Wiki Nui, for instance.

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It seems that the island being in Hapori Tohu's body theory's been shattered by the multiverse thing. :P Anyway, seeing as this issue of BZ-Nui isn't solved yet, I thought I might as well participate, when I have time.


BIONICLEsector01: On the island of Affili, the Great BIONICLE Zone allowed its neighbor, Wiki-Nui, to establish a small, secondary headquarters, called Wiki-Koro. Here Matoran of all types may find information about Wiki-Nui, as well as vote in contests.

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