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I just realized that everything that's happened to me since I got to Hawaii has had a major downside. Like, something way worse than the good thing that caused it. From something as simple as joining Flickr to something as big as buying an Xbox 360, bad things are always around the bend.

Now I know bad things happen, a lot, but things like what's happened since I got here have never happened in Texas. It's kind of scary, really.

I'm not inclined to say the bad stuff that's happened, most of it I'm not even telling my parents. I probably won't tell anyone ever.

Why am I making this blog entry? I dunno, I guess I just wanna get that out.

Now I'm scared to see what will happen next.

I hate Hawaii.



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I want to know how joining Flickr was bad. Srsly.


What went wrong when you built Ihu?


And what about those parts orders?


And all the blog entries you made? Those didn't backfire, did they?


Concentrate on the good, little bunny!

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Joining Flickr was bad?



Worst thing I ever did.

What went wrong when you built Ihu?


And what about those parts orders?


And all the blog entries you made? Those didn't backfire, did they?

Well, actually...



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Now I'm scared. Are 360's cursed or something? I don't wanna get one if a ghoul is gonna jump out and scare me everytime I turn it on. :)



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Now I'm scared. Are 360's cursed or something? I don't wanna get one if a ghoul is gonna jump out and scare me everytime I turn it on. :)




I thought it was only the original XBoxes.

But wow, there's worse things possessing the 360s?




As for Flickr... hmmm.


You posted pics to what you thought was female but it turned out to be a dude that sits next to you in school.


(Hey, when in doubt, make it up.)



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Now I'm scared. Are 360's cursed or something? I don't wanna get one if a ghoul is gonna jump out and scare me everytime I turn it on. :)



No, no, it's not that at all.


I think it would be okay for most folks.



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Now I'm scared. Are 360's cursed or something? I don't wanna get one if a ghoul is gonna jump out and scare me everytime I turn it on. :)




No, but there is The Ring.



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Is it the fact that we-- err, maybe I am/are too critical?



Is it someone specifically?



You might as well just tell us... or we'll never stop guessing. :P




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