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The 1st Ever Gavla Brain Quiz



Time to test your smarts! At the Gavla quiz base.


1st question: Your a farmer on a farm. Your son served in the military. When he got back he brought back ever weapon he used still fully loaded. Now next day a large tree height monster alien comes walking into your farm. It kills your son and destroys your home. WHAT DO YOU DO?


A: Use your dead son's rocket launcher on it.




C: Use the grenades and shotgun of your son.


Now lets see who gets the right answer.. :sly:


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The answe is all of them, but none of them at the same time. You said it's a BRAIN quiz, not a select quiz. You've got to open your mind to the extra possibilities, and create your own answer.
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None of them! You sit down for tea and ask the alien to use his powers to bring his son back to life if you give him you whole collection of free tea vouchers!

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Ahh Khols good job. But I am sorry. Yes it is mostly correct. But..the best answer is your own made one.


Mine would be: Use the rocket to attack AND run. Shotguns and genaids wont work. Run to evade attacks then attack with rockets. Just running madly will get you fried faster XD

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Actually, you need to think of it like a video game boss. ;)


First you find it's weakness. Probably it's head or it's power supply, if any. Shoot it with everything your son had, while running around, dodging and avoiding any attacks. Eventually, it would go down. And if you run out of ammo before it does, THROW STUFF AT IT!


Or you can give him a cow and make peace. :)

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Actually, you need to think of it like a video game boss. ;)


First you find it's weakness. Probably it's head or it's power supply, if any. Shoot it with everything your son had, while running around, dodging and avoiding any attacks. Eventually, it would go down. And if you run out of ammo before it does, THROW STUFF AT IT!


Or you can give him a cow and make peace. :)



You too are correct. The point of the test is to test your thinking ability in tight spots.

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