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Unsettling Experience



DATE LOG: 01.09.09 at 1107 Hours

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...module initiated.


This morning, I had what might be referrred to as an unsettling experience. First, some background information:

As you know, my mom works as a teacher. Over winter break, the school secretary asked my mom to babysit her dogs. My mom accepted. We still have the dogs - they haven't been picked up yet. The dogs are chihuahuas, and there are six of them: Two adults and their four puppies. Here's a family roster:
  • Copper: The male adult of the chihuahuas, copper is extremely sociable once he gets to know you. He can stand up on his back legs for short periods of time. Copper is a solid brown color.
  • Penny: The protective female adult and mother of the puppies. She's more outgoing than Copper, but less in-your-face enthusiastic when she's your friend. Penny's fur color is identical to Copper's.
  • Diego: The youngest and largest of the puppies, Diego has cream-colored fur and a pure white mark on his forehead. When he was younger, he took advantage of his size and bullied the other puppies, but is now much more relaxed. Diego is my mom's favoite puppy.
  • Puggy: Puggy's fur is an almost orange brown, and, as his name suggests, has a face that looks very much like a pug's (sans the hyperactive pant). Puggy is the most widely favored of the puppies - he is the favorite of my brother, one of his friends, and two of my friends. Puggy is the most laid-back of the puppies.
  • Pumpkin: Nobody is sure why Pumpkin is called Pumpkin, but she is known for getting a disturbing, manic look in her eye that will cause her to do crazy things - such as jump off the couch or sleep in a basket. Once, when Penny was wagging her tail in front of Pumpkin, Pumpkin would snap at it every time it went past her - and miss. Pumpkin is the slimmest puppy and sports fur that is a mixture of black and tan.
  • Midnight: Midnight is my personal favorite of the puppies. In contrast to the healthy Diego, Midnight sports a black coat and could be referred to as the runt of the litter.

Already the weakest of the puppies, Midnight aquired an eye infection at a very early age. These two factors lead up to her getting less food from Penny. Today, all three factors came to a head. When we found Midnight this morning, she was completely motionless, legs sprawled, barely breathing. It was very clear that she was close to death. She wouldn't open her mouth for us to hand-feed her. Panicking, my mom called my grandmother, who used to own a farm and - while not a qualified veterinarian - knows a great deal about animals. I honestly don't know what she did when she arrived, but she soon had Midnight drinking milk from a dropper. I was relieved. From what I can tell, Midnight is going to live. My grandmother was going to take her to the veterinarian's office once it opened.

Besides this morning, today has gone fairly well. In first period, a guidance couselor cam in to talk to us about planning for college, as she has once a month since September.

In Algebra II, we reviewed last night's very easy homework and then had a quiz on what we've covered since January 6th. I'm pretty sure I aced it.

In third period, we turned in our homework and reviewed what we've been learning this week.

Now in fourth period, we had a very easy test on what we've covered since the sixth, which I passed with a 100%.

Yesterday, I massacred my friend in Heroscape. It was pathetic. If anyone here plays Heroscape, let me know.

I'm going to end this entry now. I should be able to make an evening entry tonight.


Standard conversation module deactivated.

-Unit #CRKK- Vahki Commander
Vahki Command Code: 3262
Forum Division Zone: 2
Staff of Suggestion


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Phew. THat was scaring. I still have no missions. D:<

Fortunately, Midnight is alive and well. She is on medication and should improve quickly. Is there a mission that you would prefer?


-Unit #CRKK- Vahki Commander

Vahki Command Code: 3263

Forum Division Zone: 2

Staff of Suggestion

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Cats on medication... sorry, it just leads to an um... yeah....


I am a Battle Unit, correct?


Battle Unit #TWL6T signing off...



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Cats on medication... sorry, it just leads to an um... yeah....


I am a Battle Unit, correct?


Battle Unit #TWL6T signing off...




Since you are a Battle Unit, I'm assigning you to select one of the subforums in your division and select a BZPower rule to battle the violation of in that forum. I suggest you battle oversized signatures, as they are common among members.


Subforum 1, Bionicle-Based Creations, has already been assigned to another unit, and you may either join him or select another subforum.


-Unit #CRKK- Vahki Commander

Vahki Command Code: 3263

Forum Division Zone: 2

Staff of Suggestion

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