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Strakk And Zesk



Icarax doesn't deserve a place in the title.

Zesk: I opened Zesk first and built him in approximately a minute. He's fun and cute, but if you're an MOCer you may want to pass him up. He has hardly any useful parts.

Strakk: I like him. He looks very Fantasy, and Bionicle is a Fantasy story, is it not? The goblin-ish face, the elemental feel and the giant ax combine to make an interesting set.

His body leaves a little something to be desired. His pelvic thrust (O_o) and crooked back make posing awkward. Couple that with the icy shoulders and he's quite hard to pose. The shoulders don't really inhibit movement, rather, they allow too much. There's more space between them and the arms than is needed and it makes him look weird.

All the same I like him. The Thornax is nice and unobtrusive, and, IMO, he looks better for a launcher than worse.

Icarax: sux.

Nice pieces though.


Edit: BTW new plastic in joints seems a bit better, even though as soon as I built Strakk his legs were loose. =/

At least you can't literally see through the joints like on Ignika...


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Pelvic thrust!


I've yet to get Zesk, but I agree, Strakk is a very good Glatorian. His arms are somewhat hard to pose, but you get used to them soon.

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