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Empire Of The Skrall



Started work on the first of the 2009 serials today -- it's called "Empire of the Skrall" and it is going to focus on our favorite rock tribe. You'll get a good look at them, moreso than we usually do for our non-hero characters ...


Some things that will be answered in just the first chapter are:


Is Tuma a Skrall, and if so, what kind?

Where did the Skrall come from?

Why did they move south to Bara Magna?

What are their intentions toward the other villages, and why?


I am going to try to sort of put a "human face" on these guys, so they aren't just "nasty for the sake of being nasty." When you see the full picture, you will see how what they do this year will make perfect sense in their eyes, and in a strategic sense as well.




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I am going to try to sort of put a "human face" on these guys

The disigners already did, and it belong's to IRONMAN!!!!!!!

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Guys, that was a leaked photo. Please use the official ones and remove that.


Tuma = Napoleon Bonaparte of Bara Magna :P

But he's too big to be Napoleon. :P

Set-wise, they'e a perfect match :P

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Awesome, but this raises MORE questions, such as:


There are different kinds of Skrall?

What's north Bara Magna, if it's a planet?



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I only had one word to say when I read that: OHHHH!! And that's not really a "word." I'm really looking forward to EotS, as well as RoS.

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Man, Greg's online serials just keep on getting better.


What's amazing is that a mature (if not adultlike) 24-year-old like me can get this hyped up about the Bionicle storyline. Credit for that goes to Greg.


<o> <o>

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