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Thank Me



I was going to give you a page long AA-esque rant about the current and somewhat terrible state of my soul but I decided one perpetually depressing blog was enough. So you've been spared. :)



Bunnies are for cute. =3



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I'd agree with Laka. You keep dropping these extraordinarily intriguing hints, and then never explain any of them. I'd say go ahead, post something lengthy and thorough even if it is depressing – maybe it'll feel good to get it off your chest, and maybe people will have interesting or helpful things to say about it.


Chances are, people will at least read it, and they'll probably say a thing or too as well. You're interesting enough to warrant reading through something longer and less spontaneous than usual.

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I'd prefer a long rant, so I finally understandify wats goin on.


I'd agree with Laka. You keep dropping these extraordinarily intriguing hints, and then never explain any of them. I'd say go ahead, post something lengthy and thorough even if it is depressing – maybe it'll feel good to get it off your chest, and maybe people will have interesting or helpful things to say about it.


Chances are, people will at least read it, and they'll probably say a thing or too as well. You're interesting enough to warrant reading through something longer and less spontaneous than usual.

Weel nao, I dunno. I just ranted a long to my mom so I have what I want to say off my chest, for a little while anyway.


In a nutshell: I'm having trouble fully accepting my religion. In my mind I totally believe it and I don't really see how anything else could be true (not in a brain washed sort of way though.)


Problem is my soul/heart isn't ready to follow my mind.


Right now I'm feeling like a sponge full of dirty water. I can't absorb any more but what I have now just isn't cutting it. I want to be dry again so I can absorb something clean but people keep trying to poor stuff down my throat and it just isn't helping.




So I hope that didn't violate any religion rules. I tried to stay ambiguous so hopefully it's kk. :P


That's not all that's been troubling me but it's the main hunk. There are a few other things that I'm still not comfortable to talk about with anyone, not even family. Maybe some day I'll spill the beans though. :P


Darn, that didn't help satisfy you, did it. >_<


I totally know what happened. :teehee:

What the---

Draw them in with a lolbunny and then rant. :P





A dastardly plan! I like it!



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Weel nao, I dunno. I just ranted a long to my mom so I have what I want to say off my chest, for a little while anyway.


In a nutshell: I'm having trouble fully accepting my religion. In my mind I totally believe it and I don't really see how anything else could be true (not in a brain washed sort of way though.)


Problem is my soul/heart isn't ready to follow my mind.


Right now I'm feeling like a sponge full of dirty water. I can't absorb any more but what I have now just isn't cutting it. I want to be dry again so I can absorb something clean but people keep trying to poor stuff down my throat and it just isn't helping.



See, this is why you should tell us about your problems, because we can help. Like this:


What you are going through is fine. Normal for someone your age. Even I back in early high school had a tough time with my religion. I wanted to "figure it out," but the world around me was just so confusing. But you know what? I got through it (with the help of my other Catholic friends) and feel really strongly about my faith right now.


I know you're feeling a little uncomfortable about talking with it to other people, but the fact that you are realizing there is more but you just can't grasp it is the first step to growing in your faith. You're in a youth group, right? I know you don't really like it, but it hasn't killed you yet. Keep giving that a chance, for you'll be able to connect not only with other kids your age but your youth minister as well. If you don't feel like telling anyone else what you said just now, that's OK. Overtime, I hope, you can find a certain trust with some people IRL. I know that now, after spending a few years in my youth group, I can go do my youth minister and talk about whatever is bothering me. I really miss not seeing him now that I'm in college, and am so glad we'll be able to hang out tonight.


You know your religion is important to you, so don't give up, even in the worst of times. With fear of, like you, going outside the religion thing, I'll just say that it's often said that you'll survive your toughest moments if you keep your trust in God (for that is your religion, says your content block) and let Him lead you through. I know you're having trouble, but even the tiny bit of truth you are grasping in that bowl of dirty water will help.



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In a nutshell: I'm having trouble fully accepting my religion. In my mind I totally believe it and I don't really see how anything else could be true (not in a brain washed sort of way though.)


Problem is my soul/heart isn't ready to follow my mind.

From what you're saying, Bunners, it sounds like this all boils down to a choice between following your head and following your heart. I'm not saying that's what it is, but that's what it sounds like to me.


My faith life was up and down for years, between heartfelt confidence and pure joy and the darkest, most angsty existential doubts and depression. My life is still somewhat up and down like that, but it's gotten much easier now that the religion aspect isn't there. (Just my personal experience, not meant as advice or anything.) And the reason I gave that up was because both my head and my heart were saying the same thing.


Good luck working this out, Bun-Bun. I hope you can get to a place where you're less conflicted inside, 'cause that can really wear a guy down over time.





<o> <o>

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Right now I'm feeling like a sponge full of dirty water. I can't absorb any more but what I have now just isn't cutting it. I want to be dry again so I can absorb something clean but people keep trying to poor stuff down my throat and it just isn't helping.

Awesome simile.


Write a poem!

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You're in a youth group, right?







Pretty much all I'm in is a home church where like everyone is my parents age and there's like two people my age one I've never spoken to the other is mai neighbor who's kind of my friend.


So no, I'm not. =/


Thanks for the advice kk





<o> <o>

*hug hugbun*



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See, this is why you should tell us about your problems, because we can help. Like this:

Okay, what Bunda posted was fine, since it was pretty ambiguous and just a statement of what's going on in his life. But CF, that was -way- past what's allowed on BZP. It sounded like the sort of thing one would read on a Christian forum, which BZP quite definitely is not. If you have advice so blatantly religious in content, the public forums/blogs are not the place for it, understand? That's the sort of thing that's so unilateral in focus that it's just asking for people who might perhaps feel differently than you to come around and object it.


Anyway, I'd say to do something that really works for a whole lot of decision-type things: take a walk somewhere, or just go anywhere where you'll be completely alone and can't be bothered for a while, and start from the very beginning. Try to clear your mind completely (some sort of nice environment to focus on is useful this way), feel calm, and sort through your thoughts in an orderly manner.


Eventually, you'll come to a conclusion of some sort, whatever that ends up being. It's probably easier said than done, but it can't hurt to try, can it?

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I'd say to research other religions. If you aren't satisfied with what you have, see the options for what you could have. Truth is, I don't think I know of any religion or theory that can explain everything with no holes. Just be open to change, and do what feels right.
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See, this is why you should tell us about your problems, because we can help. Like this:

Okay, what Bunda posted was fine, since it was pretty ambiguous and just a statement of what's going on in his life. But CF, that was -way- past what's allowed on BZP. It sounded like the sort of thing one would read on a Christian forum, which BZP quite definitely is not. If you have advice so blatantly religious in content, the public forums/blogs are not the place for it, understand? That's the sort of thing that's so unilateral in focus that it's just asking for people who might perhaps feel differently than you to come around and object it.


Anyway, I'd say to do something that really works for a whole lot of decision-type things: take a walk somewhere, or just go anywhere where you'll be completely alone and can't be bothered for a while, and start from the very beginning. Try to clear your mind completely (some sort of nice environment to focus on is useful this way), feel calm, and sort through your thoughts in an orderly manner.


Eventually, you'll come to a conclusion of some sort, whatever that ends up being. It's probably easier said than done, but it can't hurt to try, can it?

Really? I feel that only my last paragraph explicitly stated God and dove into what I thought Bunda and I had in common there. The first two paragraphs were analyzing what I have heard from him and how I have been reflecting on such situations myself.


What about what BCii said? He said he got rid of the religion aspect in his life, something which Bunda also is capable of considering. You said what I said is asking for people to come and object to it, but you don't see me trying to steer Bunda from BCii's post. Because this is a public forum and we can't go into such discussions, and Bunda has to make his own choices without us being overbearing.


I know we have different views on such issues, but we are all here to give Bunda advice as we see fit from his own posts.



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BC's was brief and very explicitly stated to be his own personal viewpoint, and was therefore no more or less contentious than someone saying "I'm Christian" or "I'm Jewish" or "I'm an atheist" or so on. Yours was pretty lengthily a discussion on one's religion, which is really pushing it in the first place (well-intended though it was), and then the last paragraph went way over the top.


However, there is no need to continue this here any further. Let's let this entry return to less hazardous waters, shall we?

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^What my fellow Animal Council member stated.


Also, Mr. Cat, you should totally thank me for the monocle I gave you.




As for Bunda's entry...


This looks like a shop. I can tell by the pixels and having seen quite a few shops in my time.



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^What my fellow Animal Council member stated.


Also, Mr. Cat, you should totally thank me for the monocle I gave you.




As for Bunda's entry...


This looks like a shop. I can tell by the pixels and having seen quite a few shops in my time.



xD It does look like a shop now that you mention it.


And thankees. :fear:

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