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Blue Mocs 2nd Chances Contest ( Bionicle Paracosmos Contest #3)




Alright, here's the theme I decided on for the next blog contest. This is another 2nd Chances contest and a New MOCs contest. It's the third Paracosmos contest -- winning MOCs will be in my fanfics. Yadda. So what's the dealio wit' da themeo?

Make a blue MOC. Any blue MOC.

It can be a hero, a villain, a morally-questionable, a beast, a titan, a small MOC, anything, as long as it is blue.

The top four winning MOCs will be featured in my next Paracosmos story, Endless Blue (during Bohrok Saga, telling of a sailing voyage from Mata Nui into the Endless Ocean).

Other winning entries could be used anywhere else in later stories, including Bara Magna stories. (I do think I'll tell some stories there eventually, though that will be after the main BP story arc ends.)

For anybody that isn't aware, the BP is my adventure mystery fanfic series, with epics, short stories, and an RPG; all of those that are online listed here (or they will be whenever I get around to adding Twisted Island :P).

Basic Setup

Bionicle Paracosmos Epic #5: Endless Blue, (BP Episode #10) will feature at least four winning MOCs from this contest.

The title has multiple meanings, but one of them is the fact that there are mysteriously so many more blue characters in the Paracosmos than there are officially. No other color has this effect, and it's one of the big clues as to the nature of the Paracosmos's origins.

My main character, a white and silver reptilian Toa-sized being named Bhukasa, is the last surviving member of an ancient race (as revealed in Captain of Treason). He was a ship-merchant at the time of Metru Nui; he was away when disaster struck his home island. He came to Mata Nui with the Turaga and Matoran and lived there for 300 years.

Then he got curious -- is the Endless Ocean truly endless? Well between you and me, it's not -- there are other islands in the Paracosmos. :P He sailed out to investigate, and disappeared for 700 years. In Captain of Treason (2001 story), he returned, but his memory was totally gone.

In Endless Blue he will begin to get his memory back in the form of flashbacks while exploring the truth of an enemy that strikes Mata Nui at this time. On his journey, he will meet characters he knew from these 700 years that are still out there on these islands. Rahi or other types of beasts can be included. Many of them will be blue.

So this is where you come in. :)

Note that the origins of these beings can be from anywhere. So you can enter Bara Magna characters and they can still win; it's just that I'll have to have some reason why they got transferred to the Endless Ocean planet recently. I do in fact have a standard reason lined up -- the enemy that rules the Endless Seas have teleportation powers available to them, which can have a degree of randomness attached and no distance limit. They can randomly reach out and draw a being from just about anywhere to them.

Winners beyond the first four may or may not be used in EB. If not, they will be used elsewhere in the Paracosmos series.

Regardless of where they're used, credit will be given to you, the MOCer. :)


1) The MOC must "be blue." I'm not going to define percentages; if you use other colors like red or whatever they should be "mostly" blue, but if you use a lot of grayscale colors you can use less blue. (So black, gray, silver wouldn't count.) Use your judgement.

2) Enter up to three MOCs per member. You can enter both categories but only three total MOCs allowed.

3) Past BBC entries or past MOCs go in category 1 (2nd Chances). Please link to the MOC's topic or something else with a date attached. Anything else goes in the New MOCs category.

4) Do not enter BBC-winning MOCs. Only non-winners (that's why it's called 2nd Chances).

5) Past MOCs must have been made before January 20, 2009.

6) Only enter your own MOCs, though you can ask others if they'd like to enter a MOC they've made.

7) Follow all BZPower rules.

8) I pick winners, but will listen to any "nominating" comments you make for someone else.

9) No set number of winners; will depend on how many enter, and overall quality of entries. Four will almost certainly be in Endless Blue, but I won't rule out using more in it. (This is only because I already have a big cast of side characters for EB and I don't wanna overdo it; I'll only be able to judge this as I write it.)

10) Oh, and don't enter MOCs from the last Bones Blog MOC contest. :P

Entry Form:

MOC Name: 
Moral Type: 
Species Type: 

[/img] (Direct link the image by pasting the pic's URL between the image tags.)

Category: [2nd Chances, or New MOC]

MOC Name: [You can go with an English nickname style, a Bionicle name, whatnot. Try googling Bionicle-style ones to make sure there aren't any (or many) uses of it already if you have time.]

Topic: [link to topic for 2nd Chances category to prove they're old MOCs, link for new MOCs for MOC discussion yadda]

Moral Type: [Hero, Villain, Questionable, "Citizen" (as in, not a hero with powers), Beast, Whatever (as in, you let me decide :P). You can use your own wording.]

Species Type: [Existing official/BP species, mutant, or species you make up. A "Bionicle-style" species name is optional but at least say it's a new species for such cases. Also, "Whatever" works here too; I'll judge based on the MOC mostly.]

Bio: [powers, backstory if you want, etc. Again I will judge mostly based on the MOC; I can fill in details, but bios help me figure out how I could use the character.]


1) 2nd Chances -- old MOCs, especially old entries in BBC contests that didn't win.

2) New MOCs -- either made for this contest or made after January 20 2009.


(You can skip this if its length annoys you.)

1) No preference will be given to either category this time. Of the four that will definately be in Endless Blue, two will be from each category.

2) I might wanna modify the descriptions somewhat for Epic 5 or for future BP story; will ask enterer for permission if so, though.

3) As in the first BP MOC contest, only one of your three MOCs can win. However, I might have "Parawins" (honorable mentions) that might get cameos in the Paracosmos too.

4) Note that I like non-humanoids. But preference for this contest will be given to the best MOC (in my and Ojhilom's judgement, and we try to be objective), so humanoids are fair game. Even Matoran are allowed. :)

The rest of these notes are slightly spoilers and are long so into the tags they go; just some storyline and setting tidbits for Endless Blue that might help you decide what to enter:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

5) The main type of location in Endless Blue your characters are likely to be in has this description: A mysterious enemy known only by their name -- Kuambu -- captures beings and imprisons them on tiny islands that dot the Endless Ocean Planet's surface. These islands tend to be tall pillars whose coasts are high cliffs. At the bases of the cliffs there are narrow pebble beaches.

The pillar tops are forested, with grass and smaller plants fairly thick between the medium-sized trees. Primitive wooden fences border the tops, and power nulling effect prevent powers from being used on the fences (the wood itself has that power). Each island is divided into one section labeled "Darkminds" and one section labeled "Lightminds". In truth, however, many on both sides are morally questionable, and it's possible that sorting mistakes may have happened.

Each island has a tunnel from the beach to the forest prison areas, but a special gate much like the one Takanuva couldn't pass through to Karzahni allows only Kuambu in. From time to time, the Kuambu arrive in white-sailed ships, and they come up and hunt their prisoners in these places. Afterwards, all memories of the appearance and powers of the Kuambu are erased, but memories of the feeling of being hunted and certain glimpses of the battle are not erased, just to reinforce fear.

6) There is also a large island with mutagenic sands (mentioned with some of the winners of the last contest) called Kriitunga Island. Kriitunga tend to be Matoran-sized with birdlike conical heads (my MOCs use a backwards Metru head with a ballsocket piece as the mouth in place of the Metru brain) and claws. But the sands mutate many to look quite different (their town in the center of the island, and a river that goes from there to the coast are the only non-mutagenic areas. You could enter Kriitunga mutants to live on this island. There is a Kuambu Hunting Pen here as well, along the river, and they raid the island often.

The mutagenic sands can affect both form and powers, BTW.

Standard blue Kriitunga are of the element Ocean -- they can heal wooden sailing vessels, breath water, and make tiny amounts of water. Usually blue and brown in color. White Kriitunga tend to be white and iceblue. Their standard powers I'm saving for the reveal in later chapters of Twisted Island, but mutated ones can have any power. :)

7) There are also a few medium-sized islands, some with pens and others just grown wild where the Kuambu raid sometimes. Most of these I haven't set in stone, so yall can do what you want here. :)

8) Note that in general both genders exist with any color/element in the Paracosmos. One exception: All Ocean Kriitunga are female, and all others are male (however a mutant male Kriitunga might become blue in his color scheme, and the white ones tend to have iceblue in them). With blue Matoran/Toa characters either gender works, and same with other species.

Fun Fact: The above note is another hint to the BP origins.

Another hint: Notice which number that note has -- eight.

9) In your bios you can say how they ended up in Kuambu territory if you want, but if you win lower down and I don't use it in EB I might move them somewhere else (ex: if you enter a Bara Magnan and say he got teleported here I might not use that part, so they'd still be on Bara Magna waiting for future storyline use). I reserve the right to edit that part of bios sans permission (though I'll probably ask for it anyways heh).

10) For purposes of EB story, sliiiight preference will be given to the morally questionable characters. They're more mysterious and there's more I can do with them in the storyline. But again judging will be mostly based on MOC.

Methinks that's all; post any questions yall've got.

Entry Period

Begins now, ends April 28th (that's a Tuesday) at noon EST.

Essentially three months. :)




Recommended Comments

Question, sir - is it still considered an Old MOC, even if we haven't made a topic for it on BZP? I have something that was built way back in September that never got a topic, and I was wondering what this would be counted as.

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Question, sir - is it still considered an Old MOC, even if we haven't made a topic for it on BZP? I have something that was built way back in September that never got a topic, and I was wondering what this would be counted as.

If there's no other proof that it existed back then, it would be New MOC. Proof of it being an old MOC doesn't have to be a topic, but I do prefer proof for that category of some kind.

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Linked for Size

Category: One (2nd Chances)

MOC Name: Guralkii


Moral Type: Fence-Sitter

Species Type: Rahaga

Bio: Made into a Rahaga long ago by another being with a mutation Rhotuka, he wanders alone and leaves everyone else on their own. He's not very sociable. (Feel free to fill in more info!)


Blue enough for you?

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Another thing. Does it matter what type of blue? Like Mata or Metru?



Mata blue, Metru blue, 2001pastel blue, iceblue, sandblue, transblue... any blue under the sun. Except bley counts as gray. :P


Are Bohrok/Bohrok Va/Mahri Nui crabs acceptable?

A normal Bohrok would need a teleportation or similar explanation -- I forgot to mention this enemy has never been to Mata Nui. As long as that's not the explanation though yeah Bohrok's fine (could be Metru Bohrok etc.). The others, or a mutant Bohrok perhaps, are fine.


Short answer, all three are fine. :P

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*looks through unposted old MOCs and counts the blue ones*

*counts old blue MOCs*

So no MOCs that were entered into the last contest? Darn.

But this is an amazingly ironic contest. Seems me and you have a habit of reading each other's minds, Bones. First Twayzivl, now this.

Let me explain. I just finished a 1 foot tall all blue humanoid. And I think it's pretty awesome. So now I just have to take pix. :D

I'm looking forward to seeing all the other MOCs.


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There can be black connectors and joints, right? :P


And a couple white pieces, like a Bohrok tooth or two?



Yes to both. :)

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Wolf Rahi

Category: 2nd Chances

Topic: BBC 51 Entry MOC Topic

Moral Type: Beast

Species Type: Rahi

Bio: Highly intelligent Rahi, the wolves live in large packs, usually headed by an alpha male or female. They rely on their strength and sharp teeth, but are also very cunning. Many experienced beings have fallen victim to a wolf ambush before. There was a pack of these wolf Rahi in Le-Wahi, but some may have been displaced overtime.



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Category: 1) 2nd Chances

MOC Name: Slugg

Topic: Here

Moral Type: Beast

Species Type: idk lol ("Whatever")

Bio: Uh… it's a slug… that's poisonous? ._.

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Category: Second Chances

MOC Name: Chikkiter


Moral Type: Obnoxious and Cute

Species Type: Rahi

Bio: A tiny creature with big eyes, big claws, and a blue shell, the Chikkiter subsists on the air inside bubbles and has limpet-like suction abilities.

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Category: 2nd Chances

MOC Name: The Sage

Topic: Here

Moral Type: Unknown

Species Type: An ancient race (he's the last member)

Bio: He appears to be wise. Nothing else is known about him.


The colours are okay, aren't they?

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Category: New moc

MOC Name: The Krulak

Topic: Click!

Moral Type: Beast

Species Type: Rahi or whatever

Bio: A vicious amphibious fish creature, the Kuambu found it while searching for more beings to capture on a far away island. It was one of the smaller ones they found and they thought it would be amusing to have it as a guard dog so to speak. It now guards the bases of the islands and will try to rip apart any boat or being who comes by. Strangely, it will not attack the Kuamba when they come by. It can breathe air and water, but is very sluggish and slow on land.



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Ah, that's nice, then. ^_^






Category: Second Chances.

MOC Name: (Bi)Polar (Shark)Ray.

Topic: Linkkeh.

Moral Type: Beast.

Species Type: Ocean-dwelling predator.

Bio: Having been around for millions of years, sharks and rays underwent a mutual evolution. This created the shark-ray. These evolved predators are highly intelligent and they know how to work together to take down their largest prey.

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I'll enter, I guess.

If I want to enter more than one MOC, would it be one entry or would I enter them separately?

Also, EW has implied that he'll be entering a Bohrok of some sort. Could I also enter a Bohrok sort of thing, or would that be frowned upon?

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I'll enter, I guess.


If I want to enter more than one MOC, would it be one entry or would I enter them separately?


Also, EW has implied that he'll be entering a Bohrok of some sort. Could I also enter a Bohrok sort of thing, or would that be frowned upon?


- :l: :flagcanada:

To first question, if you mean, one post or three, either way works. If you mean one entry form, no.


To second question, no problem. :)

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