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Weevil Woes



This morning, after finishing a box cereal and munching down on it, I noticed something odd in my bowl. I scooped it out with my spoon and looked at it closely. I then saw that it was a...




That's right, as small brown beetle was in my cereal. Now it was dead, so it wasn't that gross but the scary thing is that it looked just like a broken off piece of raisin. :( I immediately taped it to a piece of paper and e-mailed the company in complaint. I'll keep you updated on their response.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to now try my best not to lose my lunch (or breakfast as the case may be).






♫"The worst part of waking up, is a weevil in your cup!"♫


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Well, at least you didn't bite through half of it :P


I bet it was just a harvesting error where the weevil flew in, so don't blame anyone. Still, you may get free cereal :)

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pardon myy bluntness...but wouldent you want to snail mail them with the weevil attached to the letter? just wondring.


what cereal was it? at first i mis-read your post and thought you said weasle.and i thought: "how dould you miss that?"


possibly it was the prize inside! your so lucky!


-shinha exists.

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pardon myy bluntness...but wouldent you want to snail mail them with the weevil attached to the letter? just wondring.

what cereal was it? at first i mis-read your post and thought you said weasle.and i thought: "how dould you miss that?"

1) Well I'm keeping the weevil to send to them later if they don't believe me- I don't want to go through all the trouble of snail mail for nothing.


2) Two Scoops Crunch Raisin.


3) If there was a weasel, I'd do a bit more than send them an e-mail. :lol:

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3) If there was a weasel, I'd do a bit more than send them an e-mail. :lol:

HAHA! :P "Mmmm, rasin bran. Wait a second, these aren't rasins..."

Or "Alright, time to open a nice box of good old - AAAHHHH GET IT OFF MY FACE!"

Or even "Hey little [sibling's name], would you like some rasin bran? No really, just open the box and see..."


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Quality control at its lowest.

It's better than finding out you already ate it. *shudders* :bigeek:


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pardon myy bluntness...but wouldent you want to snail mail them with the weevil attached to the letter? just wondring.

what cereal was it? at first i mis-read your post and thought you said weasle.and i thought: "how dould you miss that?"

1) Well I'm keeping the weevil to send to them later if they don't believe me- I don't want to go through all the trouble of snail mail for nothing.


2) Two Scoops Crunch Raisin.


3) If there was a weasel, I'd do a bit more than send them an e-mail. :lol:

Hmm...a brown beetle. Could it be a Grain Beetle? Some Mealwor eggs can get into your cereal. They are about a milimeter. :o Tuns into a Mealworm, then a pupa, then a Grain whatever. :D How long have you been eating cereal from that box? :smilelewanu:

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Well, at least you didn't bite through half of it :P


I bet it was just a harvesting error where the weevil flew in, so don't blame anyone. Still, you may get free cereal :)


If I were SPIRIT, I wouldn't want more of that cereal EVER again. I'd hope he gets some money back or something.



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