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My Lego Network



It's really gratifying to see the My LEGO Network campaign taking off so well. I see a lot of interest in this game, and there are some fun tidbits in there. We had a creative roundtable last year with me, the MLN producer, Greg, and Leah to work through the story, and I think Peter (the MLN producer) and Eric (the graphic artist) did a great job.


Now, on to the real reason for the blog entry... ;)


I've been receiving lots of PMs about MLN issues. Unfortunately, I'm not really able to help. I was the person who initiated the campaign, and worked on getting it developed, but I don't run it at all. So I'm afraid I'm unable to help with your questions and problems.


As with most social networks, the best bet for working your way through MLN issues is to go to the community. That means threads on BZP, other forums, and the LEGO forums. Somebody else has probably had the same problem you have, and solved it. Or at least confirmed there is a problem.


We're looking at updating it for later in the year, but that's not finalized yet.


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Yay more.


Are you willing to answer what's with the strange trade modules Raanu and Berix have?


What's Quick Silver Flux, and How do we get bone Hunter Blades?

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At first I was pretty confused, but after a while I figured it out and it's quite fun. I'm moving along at a snail's pace, but it's something entertaining to do when I'm bored.

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I thank you for this campaign, I think it is brilliantly done. Please tell the people in charge that an expansion to it in the summer would be awesome for everybody.


Maybe for a final reward in it we could put the so-far defunct video tab to use and give everyone who does "X" a sneak peek at the movie?

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Thanks to you and all others who made the MLN campaign possible! I have already completed it, and it was really very fun! :)


And I have a question which I hope you can forward to Peter- shouldn´t Whenua´s page be updated with the BIONICLE skin, too?


~Gata. ;)

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