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What Would We Do...

Vezok's Friend


...without music. And even if this entry seems pathetic, I mean it.


I might not have seen or experienced the things some others here have but some things I know for sure about music:


It keeps me going even when I feel stuck or down.

It motivates, it is a vent for good and bad emotions.

It unites people and gives hope.

It can be a mighty weapon or a safe haven.

It says the things we can't say normally without sounding incredibly cheesy.

It inspires and offers wisdom and advice to those who listen carefully.


So turn those speakers up when times get hard and I promise you'll feel better ;)



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It would mean no spring musicals from the home school theatre group! 0.0


On a serious note, life would be a lot less colorful and beautiful. Especially if you expand music from what we as people have composed to that of the songs of nature itself. Music, in all its forms, has the amazing ability to touch ones emotions and mind. It is such an intricate part of most every culture that to remove it would almost be like removing a part of a society's identity. It is so interconnected with our lives that it would actually be quite challenging to go a single day without hearing ANY music at all. (It would at least mean avoiding TV, movies, radio, malls, stores, streets, cars, etc)


Interesting thought VF. An interesting thought to ponder.


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It would mean no spring musicals from the home school theatre group! 0.0


On a serious note, life would be a lot less colorful and beautiful. Especially if you expand music from what we as people have composed to that of the songs of nature itself. Music, in all its forms, has the amazing ability to touch ones emotions and mind. It is such an intricate part of most every culture that to remove it would almost be like removing a part of a society's identity. It is so interconnected with our lives that it would actually be quite challenging to go a single day without hearing ANY music at all. (It would at least mean avoiding TV, movies, radio, malls, stores, streets, cars, etc)


Interesting thought VF. An interesting thought to ponder.


Thanks ^^


Thinking about what you said, you're right...having a day with NO music at all might be an interesting experiment to try out :D


Maybe I'll do that sometime.

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Yes, that does seem an interesting experiment. You'd have to be cut off completely from music, even elevator tunes. So you'd be stuck inside the house...Or you could suggest it to your school/college and see if you can get it done there...

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Yes, that does seem an interesting experiment. You'd have to be cut off completely from music, even elevator tunes. So you'd be stuck inside the house...Or you could suggest it to your school/college and see if you can get it done there...


Hmmm...I'd have to avoid my fathers office...TV...itunes, going out into town, driving in cars or using my iPod...

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