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Remember those? The tops that you put into the plastic arena in an attempt to stop the other from spinning? Similarly to Yu-Gi-Oh, if you could ignore the horridly-dubbed TV show, it wasn't all that bad. The show got canceled though, and around that time I stopped playing with them. I recently found the old shoebox I kept them in, and, being in a position in need of cash, I recalled that tournament I entered in with them about two years ago with the cash prize of $75. Anyone know if they still do those? Because my old custom designs are still intact, and I actually made it pretty far in the aforementioned cash prize tourney, and I figure I could tinker around and make something to win a few local tourneys if they still have them.


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Oooh, I think I still have the main guy's launcher thing, with electronic stuff and everything. Man, those things were sweeeet.


As for your question though, I doubt they still have tournaments or whatever, seeing as the show's lost its popularity a long time ago...

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I remember playing those with my dad all the time. No brothers or sisters and they didn't make anything that you could launch two disks with or did they?

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Gah, the fact that my brother and I didn't lose any eyes to those things was amazing.


I never knew that they did tournaments.....neat.

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Good times. I remember launching them off the balcony onto my trampoline, and watch them slam into the springy platform and get launched into the air about five feet. The battles I had were legendary since I designed some great 'blades. My friend actually got his dad to build a custom weight for his.

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