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10 Cot Rpgs To Look For



The year of 2009 has come upon us and with it comes a slew of new role-playing games. This is a list of 10 COT RPGs to get hyped up for in the coming months. This isn’t necessarily a rankings list and the games are in no specific order. Enjoy.



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Break Point

By: Crimson Jester

Status: In Progress

What is it?: CJ’s brainchild. He wanted WWII and this is about as close as it gets.


Since the dawn of time, mankind has known no other home but the tiny, sea-dominated planet known as Aven. Although nothing near the legendary, fictitious human home planet known as ‘Earth’, humanity has developed in a virtually identical manner as that in the tale.


As time passed, through bitter conflict, and political dominancy, Aven divided itself into six independent nations: the Republic of Dayson, the United Empire, Falkland, Byzantia, Kyrin, and Korr. The nations co-existed quite peacefully, confining conflict to their rightful waters, and generally avoiding each others’ affairs.


Shift forward to six years ago: November 5th, 1939. The ever-suspicious United Empire got greedy. Their sweep was fast, and powerful. The Invasion was not unlike a sucker punch, lightning fast, and originating from seemingly nowhere. Aven was hit hard, and within three years, all but the secluded nation of Korr had fallen to the United Empire’s iron grip.


The captured nations plead with Korr to act, and repel the UE, but they would have none of it. At least until the war hit home. On May 20th, 1943, four-and-a-half years after the United Empire began to sweep Aven, they invaded, pummeling the naval bases on the North Bay, and eventually invading. Within a month, the entire north shoreline had fallen.


Now, five years later, the war still rages on. Back and forth, with no clear victor the forces of the UE and Korr battle.



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Maximum Security

By: Chronicler of Ko Koro

Status: Awaiting Approval

What is it?: Probably one of the greatest Sci-Fi RPGs since Reality first touched down. Just read it and you’ll see what I mean.


Welcome to the year 2179. Leaving a war-torn and devastated Earth behind, humanity has expanded to the stars. After spreading out into space, the Coalition of United Planets was formed, with the intention of preventing the corruption and crime that forced them to flee the Earth.


The solution the Coalition came up with was to set aside several uninhabited planets for use as prisons. A small facility on the surface would contain the prisoners and a small force of guards, and automated ships would deposit prisoners and supplies monthly. The reasoning was that if someone managed to break out, they would have no way to get off the planet. Thanks to this system, the Coalition has kept the peace for over fifty years.


At least, that's the official story. The one thing the system hadn't planned for was a mass breakout, and on Prison Colony Theta, that exact thing happened. A group of prisoners managed to rise up against the security detail and took over the facility. The Coalition kept the incident under wraps, believing that although they controlled the prison, they still could not escape. Deliveries of food and prisoners are still made as usual, so as to create the illusion nothing was wrong.


And so, they've managed to keep up the facade, until now. While passing through the area, the luxury cruiser Amaranthine suffered a critical engine failure, and was forced to crash land on Theta. As the only possible way off the planet, the prisoners of the colony are beginning to take an interest in the ship...



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By: Kumata Nuva

Status: Awaiting Approval

What is it?: One of the most detailed games the Judges have seen in a long time. There is almost no word to describe it.


When the universe was but fire and turmoil Four Gods emerged from the chaos. Their power shaped the world; hardening it to rock, filling its crevasses with oceans, forcing plants to sprout from its crust. Content with what they had made, these Four Gods took to rest.


They say that the world of Panacea has been at peace for thousands of years. The Three Great Races of Panacea - Humans, Lich and Valkyrior - have learned to cope with each other's presence and live in harmony.


Then came the day of the Total Double Eclipse. For the Sun to be eclipsed by both of Panacea's Moons is an extremely rare occurrence, one considered an omen of chaos. When darkness fell across the world, a great rupture appeared in the centremost continent and all manner of fearsome beasts began emerging from the planet's core. Thousands died. Trade routes and communications were shattered. Most villages were abandoned as evacuations were made into the capital city of each nation.


When the world settled, the wild monsters had taken to roaming the land. The cities had become Panacea's only bastions of defense - but for how long would that last?



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Paradise Lost

By: The Bird of Hermes

Status: Awaiting Approval

What is it?: A game based on the Devil May Cry universe. This RPG stretches the limits of BZP’s religion rule to near the breaking point and provides a horrifying game experience to boot.


A visage of horror flashes before your eyes. Shadow beings surround you, their tendrils wrapping around your arms and legs, their claws raking across your naked flesh. You see their malicious eyes gleaming, their faces grinning madly, relishing your pained expressions, your anguish and horror. But alas, they cannot keep this up forever. As the killing blow is dealt, you awaken in a cold sweat. Your heart rate returns to normal, and you return to sleep, taking comfort in the fact that such creatures do not exist.


You're wrong.


These creatures do indeed exist, aching to break through the border between your reality and theirs. And, indeed, they succeed, every once in a while. They wreak havoc in your world, upsetting a delicate balance.



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Mercenaries: Destructive Mayhem

By: RoboDevil

Hosted By: Nero

Status: In Progress

What is it?: Another highly detailed game. Ever want to go all out GTA on BZP? No? Well if you have Mercs is the game for you.


Less than a year ago, the largest gold deposit in known history was discovered in southern Australia. The native Australians rejoiced for but a month over their new wealth before their fame became their misfortune. The Coalition of Countries struck fast and hard, hoping to harness the vast wealth for their own. The Allied Nations discovered this and began their own counteroffensive to aide the Australians. The natives themselves are dissatisfied with both factions and have struck out on their own, but are hampered not only by the military giants, but also by the Army of New Zealand, who seek this wealth as their first step to becoming a world power. This is the perfect situation for a Mercenary or two to unload some ammo and pick up some cash. The table is set and the armies are moving. The only question is: Who will be the last one standing amid the destructive mayhem?



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Demonic Beginnings

By: Spink

Status: In Progress

What is it?: A game based off of Spink’s novel series Demonic Beginnings. The linear plot may be a turn off for some, but Spink’s legendary quality ensures that this will be a hit.


I saw thousands of the monsters. Deadly, dangerous, and vicious they were, tore apart children who cowered in the streets; littering the place in blood and limbs. It was out of a nightmare, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it, any of it. Vampires, at the peak of the war with the Elven kingdom, were utterly decimated by these… these... Demons… it was the worse time… but I do not know why they came about now… there seemed to be no reason, no explanation… no anything! People blame our Emperor… everyone blames him… but he’s dead, all of the royal family are dead… all of the people are now dead, and the survivors? Yeah, we were shoved out to sea, to get away from these horrific beasts from The Nightmare Realm.


Sea… it sucks to say the least, being stuck on a ship with humans and harpies will make you think that way. The illnesses ended up killing off… pretty much all of the harpies, which was considered a plus… to the humans for some reason. They never liked the harpies, no matter how hard the harpies tried to get on their good side. Now, they’re nearly extinct. I got sick a few times, and the quarters were horrid to get sick in… then everyone got sick, and then people would vomit and the place would just… it’d suck.



Then a continent was found, separate from the Demons’ territory, and we had a chance to live in peace, and prosper as we were created to. And that is what we did, and continue to do.


~Denar of the Vampires



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Outbreak II

By: Alex Humva

Status: In Progress

What is it?: The sequel game to the wildly popular Outbreak. II takes place in the war torn alternate universe that was introduced at the end of I.


In 2023, in the Old Reality, war raged in the icy land. Alex and Steven clashed, their life force put into the fight. When Alex’s power went wild, and doomed the reality to a explosion of fire and heat, a hole in reality was formed from Steven’s strike. Forty Outbreakers made it through, the forty being the Offspring and the veterans of the Old War.


The Outbreakers lived in peace for a time in the New Reality which had begun at 2007 when they entered. Soon, the Old Reality Outbreakers were rallied together, and a New Declaration was formed. Two more years passed by, and Alex was enrolled to Sector 51, the old bane of the Outbreakers. Shortly after, the pyro took two Outbreakers, Gabe and Emily, to a base. After a rescue attempt, Alex went nova. He destroyed the surrounding area, and killed millions.


Then the President went public with the Outbreakers. The public was shocked. But they got over their shock, and actually welcomed the Outbreakers. Alex was at the lead of the Human-Outbreaker peace treaty. But not all was well. Many countries did not like the fact that super-powered humans existed in their land. They prepared a swift and quick strike at the Outbreakers within their borders, but Alex managed to get half of the Outbreakers out of the un-friendly nations and put them in nations that were more peaceful to the Outbreakers.


But the blood was spilled, and over a million Outbreakers lost their lives. Alex was furious, but he didn’t strike at the nations.


They made the first move three months later. The Confederation of Nations Against the Un-clean struck against the United Nations, sending the shocks of war through the planet. World War III sparked off, and everyone went running for their guns. Steven regained his powers after his followers broke him out of his brainwashed state. The Outbreaker knew that this war could be used to his gain, and he joined the Confederation, knowing that both human sides would be leveled in the war.


World War III has begun. Two more years have passed, and the Declaration, Alex’s band of Outbreakers, joined the UN. The war has been bloody, and it will continue to be. You must choose your side, and fight to protect or destroy the future of both Humans and Outbreakers.



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Alternate Reality

By: RoboDevil

Hosted By: The OoMN Chronicler

Status: Awaiting Approval

What is it?: This is a companion game to the (almost) largest RPG in BZPower history. Dubbed “Reality for newbs” by Robo, AR promises to draw in those players alienated by Reality’s sheer size and ever deepening plot.


In the beginning there was the First. The Creator of All. It was his will and power that formed mass and set in motion the creation of the Realities. The space time continuum, infinium, hexium, quantinium, fortuium, generium, micium, alteranium, and many more.


When he was finished his work, the First created the Pagemaster, the great writer and recorder of Existence- all of the Realities together. The Pagemaster wrote and scripted the vast majority of events in Existence, and record each and every individual action that takes place. It is the Pagemaster who would decide when the Last would appear, and undo everything to bring an end to Existence. Unfortunately, this would not come to pass.


One of the creations of the First was the Unexplainables. They were the peacekeepers and the 'weapons' of the Pagemaster to ensure all of the events were to be carried out. Their leader, Zigwazica, the Unexplainable of War, who was given far more power than the other Unexplainables, learned of the Last and how the Pagemaster intended to end everything. He didn't like this.


After several genocides in the name of survival, Zigwazica finally found out where to find the Pagemaster. And find him he did. After a less than calm 'discussion' the Unexplainable killed the Pagemaster by destroying his book. Without the Pagemaster to summon the Last, Existence would never end. Zigwazica's reign of tyranny began.


Eons of suffering passed before the other Unexplainables allied with their sworn enemies, the Nev'ere, and attacked Zigwazica. After an intense battle they managed to blank Zigwazica's memories and seal him into a mortal form, an old fashioned combat robot, and they let it drift in space for what they hoped was eternity.


They were wrong.



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By: Miyuki Takara

Status: Awaiting Approval

What is it?: Only one of the best games the Judges have ever seen. We approved it unanimously and then sent it along to Kex for his approval. We haven’t heard a peep since (In three whole months!). I’m seriously considering spamming his inbox with petitions to approve this game.



For years, we have lived in peace in the world of forum*ace. Living, posting, fighting spam. That is, until the hackers appeared. the hackers devastated everything in their path, deleting posts, generating undefeatable spam, dropping the post counts of the mightiest warriors. We were hopeless, and could not fight them. Until, of course, a spark of rebellion occurred. A hero named DragonSlayer came and fought back the evil hackers, giving us enough time to regenerate.

But the world is anywhere from peaceful. the members still are waging war against the hackers, hoping that one day they can live safely in forum*ace sometime again...




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If: American Revolution

By: Exo-Fat

Status: In Progress

What is it?: We all know that historical RPGs are practically doomed to failure. Not so with If. In this game the object is to change history. Want to assassinate George Washington? Go ahead. The possibilities are endless with If.


Our lives are riddled with choices. It is what sets us apart from each other. Choice defines us both collectively and individually. Often we look back on the past with despair. We wonder about the possible outcomes our choices could have had. There is one word that defines what we ask.




November, 1776. It is a period of civil war amongst the British Empire. Its thirteen American colonies have risen up against the mother land and declared themselves an independent state. After a defeat at Long Island and the capture of over 2,000 American troops at Manhattan, General Washington has been in a constant state of retreat. His army is demoralized and dejected. There seems to be no hope for the revolution now.


The choice is up to you. Will you run or will you fight? Will you decide the outcome of one of the most world changing events in history? Pick your side; the drums of war are beating.


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That's only because I've been keeping all information about the potential sequel to my Demonata RPG extremely top secret. =P


I know that the first one wasn't too successful, but I see it as sort of a test drive to see what to do and what not to do. I'm going to do everything I can to make it awesome. =D


Annnnnyhow, I'm definitely gonna be joining Demonic Beginnings, IF, Alternative Reality, and I'm considering others. ^^;

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So this is the list I've been hearing so much about...

Yes, this is the amazing list.

That's only because I've been keeping all information about the potential sequel to my Demonata RPG extremely top secret. =P


I know that the first one wasn't too successful, but I see it as sort of a test drive to see what to do and what not to do. I'm going to do everything I can to make it awesome. =D


Annnnnyhow, I'm definitely gonna be joining Demonic Beginnings, IF, Alternative Reality, and I'm considering others. ^^;

Only current RPGs are included :P.

I.You missed a piece of Break Point's intro.

II. I love how yours is number one, even when out-of-order. :P

III. Much thankees for the limited gratitude.

I. Most of them have a piece missing.

II. No comment. :D

III. You're welcome.


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Dang it! AR got rejected so I guess I'll have to find another game to fill its slot. Maybe Codex Alera.


Edit: ZOMG! I was just thinking of adding yours in place of AR.

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Since Toaraga gave Alternate Reality the Banhammer, you may want to consider replacing it with something else...


Super Neya Unleashed! :tohu:

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If is going well. I just need to wait out the buffer time. I'll probably be re posting things like this every few weeks or so. Perhaps Downfall will find its way onto an upcoming list ;)

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