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One Step Closer

Lady Kopaka


Passed my written test on getting my drivers license back on Wednesday, so yaaay. =D


But next Wednesday, I gotta go back and do the actual driving part. Arrgh. D=


Even if I get it, I won’t be able to use it too much cause of a lack of vehicle. And I have no intention of using my dad’s tank—no excuse me, I mean his truck. xP But it’ll still be exciting to have and I know getting it will make it easier on my parents. It’s also cool cause I don’t have to pay for insurance for awhile…actually, when I do get the license, my parents insurance will get a lot cheaper.


…How does that work out? O_o


Also on another random topic, lately I’ve been geting a lot of friend requests from people (here on BZP) I don’t know who the clue they are. I don’t want to add them obviously until I know the person, but I don’t want to ignore them either. Have some of you guys had this issue?


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I'll try and refrain from driving around the South. Two speedy devils on the same road = not good. :P




As for the friend requests, yeah, I used to get them a lot. As I see it, anyone can add me as their friend, but I don't see any obligation to do the same to them. Many times they are just new members who want to stand by a bigger figure in the site. Now, sometimes they will come and PM me about something later on, and then I might add them, too.


Someone else (I'm not sure who), has it so he has to approve friends. When they try to add him, he'll ask them why they want to be friends, and if their reason is baseless, then he won't approve them, let alone add them.


That help? xD



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Yeah, I have six people pending on my friends list and I'm patiently waiting for them to pipe up.


But congrats on your written test. The driving isn't too difficult if you could feel the momentum of the car and stuff. :]

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I have a few people who I don't know with me on there friend's lists, and then there's this one guy who asked to be my friend for absolutely no reason at all...
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*starts dancing a random jig*

Ehh.....I like disco better. :P

I used to get a bunch o' friend requests....from people I don't know...some of the time it's 'cause they think you're cool..other times...I have no clue why they are, but before I add them, I get to know them, then decide if I want to add them or not. :P

Unlike...when I just joined...I was..adding people I hardly knew...filling up my friends list O.o Not...pretty... lol

I still have yet to get rid of some random people in there....some where in there o.o


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Guest kopakanuva13


Also on another random topic, lately I’ve been geting a lot of friend requests from people (here on BZP) I don’t know who the clue they are. I don’t want to add them obviously until I know the person, but I don’t want to ignore them either. Have some of you guys had this issue?

I've gotten this plenty of times, I say you just let them add you but you don't need to add them =P

I mean, you don't know them, but it's likely they know you very well x3

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*snickers at inside joke*


Actually I did get two friend requests from really random new-ish people...I really didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything.>.> I probably should have, but it seems kinda creepy to be the 'friend' of someone you know nothing about, but at the same time I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...hm. Probably EW is right.


Good luck on your driving test!





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All I do is approve them only, and not add to my own list. They can be my friend if they want, but it's going to take effort from my part and theirs to truly have a mutual friendship.

Oh, and good luck with the driving! At least you're at the stage to take the test, unlike me. :P You'll do great!



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I have like ten people that are waiting to be approved as friends... and they never will be.

Seriously, I've never seen these people before. If you aren't my friend, or at least acquaintance, you aren't going on my friends list.

But you can do whatever you want.

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I find driving my dad's truck rather scary. I'm not sure why, as it isn't that big of a truck.


Well, it's good to see that other members get random friend requests as well. There's a bunch of people who've friended me and I've never even heard or spoken to them before (well, except that one member who put this really random comment on one of my art topics), and it's kind of weird, but I suppose it's all good because if you don't want to friend them back, you don't have to.

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Oh so I'm not alone, good...


Well I've decided I won't be allowing anyone to add me to their friends list, or vise versa with me until they contact me in some way or another. I'll allow them to add me to their list if they pop in once and awhile to comment in my profile or give me a pm, and I'm only adding people to my list that are good friends or good acquaintances. I mean, what's so hard about sending the person a PM or whatever first? It's really awkward when I get a request, and nothing else.



Well thing is, no wants to be my friend

I'll be your friend! =D


Seriously, I've never seen these people before. If you aren't my friend, or at least acquaintance, you aren't going on my friends list.

You got the right mindset mister.


I find driving my dad's truck rather scary. I'm not sure why, as it isn't that big of a truck.

I like trucks, but not my dads. It's big and really old...like falling apart old. It’s basically a fix-or-repair-daily vehicle. :P

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On the thing of friend requests - yes, I've had random people do that to me. I honestly don't know what to do - but now I just check their profiles. If they seem nice and aren't doing it just because of some friend-adding spree, I add them. If I don't like the look of it, the best thing I can do is refuse or not add them, or something...




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~


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Sorry, double comment. There was some glitch... hmf.

... In the system? Bwahaha.




Indeed. Knew someone would get the reference.




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~
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Woo, Lady K, a driver. I actully don't have a liecense yet. :o . But I will in March, I think. Guess I just didn't need one before. Not to mention gas prices weren't exactly encouraging....


And yet.


As for your issue with all the people wanting to be your friend, isn't it obvious? You're so darn awesome, they can't help themselves. I found myself in that situation once. Though you accepted me anyways. (once again going back to the awesomeness.)

I say let'em in. PM them, ask them about themselves. If you don't get replies, then remove them from your list.




Or you could just dress them up like Makuta and set Tachi on them.



PS: Bwuhahaha x3.

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