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Holy Zamor! (232 Of Them!)



So, I was able to get hold of those Zamor on display at Lego Stores. The life size zamor. Omi posted about them and had a good pic.


Omi's entry


Picture that, but 228 of them!

I'll be trading them pretty soon. I first need a trade topic, but I need to figure out what kanohi I want to trade, and I want to have a signed comic as well, which hasn't arrived from GregF yet. (It will come)

So, here is me burried in 228 life sized Zamor. (my brother and sister took 2 each, I had 232)


After seeing the comments (7!) I might want to add something: They were all free!!! Wait, let me do that again:

THEY WERE ALL FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, yeah.


-CF :usa:


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That is so wrong.


I mean, none of that furniture was stained before finishing. Can't you handle a little color, CF? :P


-KIE, who didn't pilfer any from Tyson's Corner LEGO store back in August.

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And now for a public service announcement:




That concludes the public service annoucement.


But seriously, didn't you have something more important to spend your money on? Like gasoline or a liver transplant for an ailing relative?


I guess to each his own...


~GN (Y)

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:o Lego, SELL THESE, PLEASE... I need them.. How much were they?

They have no price. :P


They don't sell them, which was why it made me mad.



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I'd say make a ball crawl in your basement out of all of those, but I don't think parents would appreciate you enslaving their children.

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